Wynter, Dana (1927–)

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Wynter, Dana (1927–)

American actress. Name variations: Dagmar Wynter. Born Dagmar Spencer-Marcus, June 8, 1927, in Berlin, Germany; dau. of a noted surgeon; m. Greg Bautzer (lawyer).

Brought up in England, then moved with family to Southern Rhodesia; appeared on the English stage before arriving in NY (1953); made film debut in White Corridors (1951), followed by The View from Pompey's Head, D-Day the Sixth of June, Something of Value, Fraulein, In Love and War, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Shake Hands with the Devil, Sink the Bismarck!, On the Double, The List of Adrian Messenger and Airport; on tv, starred on "The Man Who Never Was" (1966–67); retired from film and moved to Co. Wicklow, Ireland.

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