Gambacorta, Peter, Bl.
Known also as Peter of Pisa, hermit, founder of the Poor Hermits of St. Jerome; b. Pisa, Feb. 16, 1355; d. Venice, June 17, 1435. Born of the ruling family of Pisa, he became a hermit in the wilderness near Urbino. When he was joined by other hermits he formed the congregation of the Poor Hermits of St. Jerome, at Montebello. The congregation was approved in 1421, and further foundations were made at Venice, Pesaro, and Treviso. Peter's zealous asceticism brought him before the Inquisition. He was beatified in 1693; an Office and Mass in his honor were approved in 1729. In 1933 Pius XI suppressed the Poor Hermits because of the smallness of the congregation.
Feast: June 17.
Bibliography: Acta Sanctorum June 4:436–451. Bibliotheca hagiographica latina antiquae et mediae aetatis 2:6710. a. potthast, Bibliotheca historica medii aevi 2:1522. w. marschall, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche 2 8:376. For suppression of order, see Acta Apostolicae Sedis 25 (1933) 147–149.
[c. davis]