Wagenaar, Lion

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WAGENAAR, LION (1855–1930), Dutch rabbi. Wagenaar served as chief rabbi of Friesland (1886) and Gelderland (1895), and as rector of the Nederlands Israelietisch Seminarium, the Jewish theological seminary of Amsterdam, from 1918 until his death. A disciple of J.Z. *Duenner, he published many historical-critical articles on talmudic-halakhic subjects and translated the prayer book into Dutch, with a commentary and historical expositions.

A jubilee volume (Feestbundel) in his honor was issued in 1925 by the Genootschap voor de Joodsche Wetenschap in Nederland, with a bibliography of his writings. After his death a collection of 31 articles was published (Ellu le-Aḥavah, 1932).


Wininger, Biog, s.v.; S. Dasberg, in: Bijdragen en Mededeelingen van het Genootschap voor de Joodsche Wetenschap in Nederland, 5 (1933), 19–26.

[Frederik Jacob Hirsch]