Liebermann, Felix

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LIEBERMANN, FELIX (1851–1925), medievalist, brother of Max *Liebermann, the artist. Born in Berlin, he was on the editorial staff of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica (1877–85) and worked on the edition of English historical sources for vols. 11 and 27 of its Scriptores series. He edited volume 28, which contains excerpts from English sources relating to 13th-century German history. Liebermann also published Ungedruckte anglo-normannische Geschichtsquellen (1879) and a number of articles on related subjects. His numerous studies on early English law published from 1893 through 1902 culminated in his most important work, Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen (3 vols., 1898). Another study was The National Assembly in the Anglo-Saxon Period (1913).


H.D. Hazeltine, Felix Liebermann 18511925 (1939); Davis, in: English Historical Review, 41 (1926), 91–97; Festgabe fuer F. Liebermann… (1921). add. bibliography: NDB, vol. 14 (1985), 480f.

[Helene Wieruszowski]