Pittas (Pittidae)

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Class Aves

Order Passeriformes

Suborder Tyranni (Suboscines)

Family Pittidae

Thumbnail description
Medium-sized with round bodies, large heads, and long legs; brightly colored; terrestrial; difficult to observe

5.9–11.0 in (15–28 cm); 1.6–7.1 oz (45–202 g)

Number of genera, species
1 genus; approximately 30 species

Understory of lowland tropical forests

Conservation status
Critically Endangered: 1 species; Vulnerable: 8 species; Near Threatened: 4 species

Primarily southeastern Asia, including Indonesia, China, Japan, and India; Australia; West and East Africa

Evolution and systematics

Original taxonomic treatments of the pittas led to their inclusion in the crow family, and subsequently in the thrush family. It was not until the early 1800s that the pittas were designated as a distinct family and correctly classified as suboscines. More recently, DNA hybridization and morphological analyses have convincingly demonstrated Pittidae is monophyletic and a sister taxon to the broadbills of Africa and Asia.

Although classification at the family level is widely accepted, there are conflicting opinions regarding the appropriate number of genera and species. Although as many as six genera have been proposed, and preliminary estimates of genetic divergence support these distinctions, most authors have chosen to recognize only the genus Pitta. Recent taxonomic treatments recognize 29–31 species. This number will undoubtedly change as molecular methods generate a better understanding of the evolutionary history of the Pittidae.

Physical characteristics

Secretive and rarely seen, pittas are often described as "jewels of the forest" on account of their brilliant plumage coloration. Many species are characterized by patches of red, green, purple, black, white, chestnut, and turquoise, often adjacent and sharply contrasting. In many cases these colors are on the breast, chin, or on areas of the body that can be concealed by more drab-colored wing feathers, presumably in an attempt to avoid detection by predators. In most species, females and males share these brilliant colors. Cryptically colored females occur in 11 species, and in only a single species is cryptic coloration shared by males and females. In contrast, nearly all juvenile and immature birds are cryptic.

Pittas have round bodies, large heads, long legs, and short tails. These features reflect the terrestrial habits shared by all pittas. The pittas are also strikingly similar in size, with most species measuring about 8 in (20 cm) in length. Pittas have stout bills, often hooked at the tip, not unlike the bills of many thrushes (Turdidae).


Pittas occur in Asia, Indonesia, Australia, and Africa. The greatest diversity of species is found in peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra, and Java. Only a single species is found throughout most of India, two species occur in Africa, and only two species occur regularly in Australia.


Most pittas are found on the ground in tropical rainforests. In many cases they appear to prefer areas that are moist, often near rivers or streams or in shaded ravines, with a rich layer of leaf litter in which to forage. Some species occur in

moist, montane forest up to elevations of 8,200 ft (2,500 m), but the majority of species are found near sea level. In Australia these birds use monsoon and eucalypt forest, and in Africa they inhabit rainforest and drier bush and woodlands. Although they avoid open habitats, a number of species are relatively tolerant of habitat modification, persisting in degraded forest, forest fragments, and secondary forest.


Pittas are secretive birds, uncommonly encountered, and difficult to observe in the poor light and dense vegetation of the forest understory. As a result, there are few behavioral observations for the majority of species. With the publication of Pittas, Broadbills, and Asities, by Frank Lambert and Martin Woodcock in 1996 and Pittas of the World, by Johannes Erritzoe and Helga Boullet Erritzoe in 1998, there is now a solid foundation synthesizing the information from what few species have been studied and highlighting the large gaps in our knowledge that remain.

Pittas are found alone or in pairs and are territorial. Territories may vary widely in size depending on the species and habitat; African pitta (Pitta angolensis) territories may be as small as 0.75 acre (0.3 ha), rainbow pittas (Pitta iris) defend areas larger than 2.5 acres (1 ha), and for some species only a single pair may be found in an area as large as 50 acres (20 ha).

Pittas give short calls, usually one, two, or occasionally three syllables, which can be either whistled or buzzy. The role that these calls play in territorial defense is evidenced by the fact that many species can be drawn out of dense vegetation by playing a recording of their call. In a natural setting, such a response may lead to encounters between males on adjacent territories. For rainbow pittas and elegant pittas (Pitta elegans) biologists have described displays in which males from adjacent territories face off and perform bowing displays sometimes in conjunction with "purring" vocalizations.

When approached, a number of species give alarm calls in conjunction with distraction displays, such as flashing a conspicuous white patch of the wing, spreading the tail, or fanning out the bright feathers of the breast. In other cases threats are responded to with behaviors that may reduce conspicuousness, in which species lower their brightly colored breasts to the ground and remain motionless.

Most pittas are nonmigratory or make local movements outside the breeding season. However, Indian pittas (Pitta brachyura), blue-winged pittas (P. moluccensis), and fairy pittas (P. nympha), as well as a subspecies of the African pitta (P. a. longipennis) and populations of hooded pittas (P. sordida) and red-bellied pittas (P. erythrogaster) are migrants. Although most species migrate over land, it is believed that the fairy pitta may fly nonstop from Vietnam across the ocean to Borneo, a flight of approximately 620 mi (1,000 km)! Given the short, rounded wings of pittas, it is somewhat surprising these birds make long migratory flights.

Feeding ecology and diet

Pittas forage terrestrially, hopping along the forest floor, sometimes remaining motionless to search for exposed invertebrates, sometimes searching noisily through the leaf-litter or digging in the soil for earthworms. The primary food items are invertebrates, including spiders, a wide variety of insects, snails and slugs, and annelid worms. Some of the larger species may also take small vertebrates, including small frogs, snakes, and even mice. Seeds have also been found in the stomachs of several species, but whether fruit is regularly consumed or simply eaten from the forest floor after it is infested with insects remains unknown. Using stone "anvils" for smashing snails to remove the shells has been observed in at least six species.

Earthworms figure prominently in the diets of many pittas, especially during the nesting season. In Australia, the diet of the rainbow pitta varies seasonally; earthworms comprise most of the diet during the wet season, while other invertebrates are more important during the dry season.

Reproductive biology

Almost all pittas breed seasonally, with breeding timed to coincide with the onset of the rainy season. An exception to this pattern is the superb pitta (Pitta superba), which apparently nests throughout the year on the island of Manus. In most species there are relatively few unique displays prior to copulation, and most pittas probably are monogamous. However, the African pitta performs a unique display prior to the breeding season. During display bouts, this species repeatedly jumps about 10 in (25 cm) into the air, parachuting back to the perch with several shallow wing-beats. During this display the red belly is prominently displayed and the birds often give a "prrt-wheet" vocalization.

The domed nest typical of the pitta family is the size and shape of a "rugby football." Both the male and female participate

in the construction of this bulky nest, which is loosely built leaves and twigs, often on top of a platform constructed of larger sticks. Although this "sloppy" construction may decrease the durability of the nests, it has been hypothesized that it may also decrease the ease with which they are detected by predators. The entrance to the nest is through a hole in the side, often facing out onto a path or other opening in the vegetation. The interior of the nest is lined with fibers or finer leaves. The nest may be located on the ground or 3–50 ft (1–15 m) above the ground in a tree or small bush. Ground nesting species often build a "door mat" of fine twigs, but the door mat built by the rainbow pitta is often constructed of mammal dung.

Clutch size varies from two to six eggs; most species lay three to four eggs. The incubation period lasts 14–16 days. For most species that have been observed, both the male and female share the task of incubation. The eggs apparently hatch asynchronously. The altricial young hatch naked, blind, and with limited mobility. The male and female share the tasks of brooding and feeding the young.

The young fledge from the nest after only 11–17 days, at which time they are usually already able to fly. They continue to be fed by the adults, usually for a week to ten days, but this period may last up to a month.

Conservation status

Many pittas have restricted ranges and depend on forested habitats that are rapidly being cleared. Additionally, the bright colors of these birds have made them popular cage birds and they are also popular targets of hunters in many parts of the world. As a result, there is considerable concern about the population viability of many pitta species. The most seriously threatened species is Gurney's pitta (Pitta gurneyi), which is considered Critically Endangered. It was added to Appendix I of CITES in 1995. Additionally, eight other species have been recognized by the IUCN and BirdLife International as Vulnerable: Schneider's pitta (Pitta schneideri), superb pitta, azure-breasted pitta (P. steerii), whiskered pitta (P. kochi), fairy pitta, black-faced pitta (P. anerythra), graceful pitta (P. venusta), and blue-headed pitta (P. baudii). Of these, whiskered pittas are listed in Appendix I of CITES and fairy pittas and banded pittas (P. guajana) are listed in Appendix II. Four species are designated as Near Threatened—the giant pitta (P. caerulea), Sula pitta (P. dohertyi), garnet pitta (P. granatina), and mangrove pitta (P. megarhyncha). Effective conservation of these species depends on habitat preservation and protection from hunting and trapping. Although this may seem an impossible task, an increasing awareness of the shrinking population of Gurney's pitta has begun to shift the economic value of this species away from illegal trade toward conservation-based ecotourism that relies on habitat preservation. Perhaps this widely publicized project can serve as a model for the protection of other threatened pittas.

Significance to humans

Their bright colors have made pittas popular birds in the wild bird trade. Pittas have also been hunted for food. This has probably been most extensive along migratory routes where pittas can be captured in large numbers, often with snares that are set in the vegetation. More recently, the growing popularity of bird-watching and ecotourism has lead to an increased interest in these species.

Species accounts

List of Species

Gurney's pitta
Hooded pitta
Superb pitta
Graceful pitta
African pitta
Indian pitta
Rainbow pitta

Gurney's pitta

Pitta gurneyi


Pitta gurneyi Hume, 1875, Tenasserim, Burma.

other common names

English: Black-breasted pitta; French: Brève de Gurney; German: Goldkehlpitta; Spanish: Pita de Gurney.

physical characteristics

8.3 in (21 cm); approximately 1.8–2.5 oz (50–70 g). Male has black face, blue crown; white under bill and yellow band on upper breast. Underparts are black but yellow banded with black at the sides. Back and wings brownish with blue tail. Female is buffy to brownish from crown to nape; buffy under-parts with light brownish banding.


Peninsular Thailand and Tenasserim, Myanmar.


Semi-evergreen rainforest, secondary forest, and degraded forest fragments; often near streams and gullies; from sea level up to 515 ft (160 m).


Primarily terrestrial; occurs alone or in pairs. Males defend territories by calling, which may be accompanied with a "wingflicking" display.

feeding ecology and diet

Forages for invertebrates in the leaf-litter of the forest floor and digs for earthworms with its bill. Food items include small

spiders, insects, insect larvae, slugs, snails, earthworms, and frogs.

reproductive biology

Breeds May to August. Domed nest is located 3–10 ft (1–3 m) above the ground, often in palm trees. Nest constructed from dead leaves and twigs on a base of larger sticks; lined with fine rootlets. Clutch size usually three to four. Eggs similar to those of the hooded pitta; white with dark purple or brownish spots over gray markings, most numerous on widest end. Female and male share incubation, brooding, and provisioning of young.

conservation status

This species is considered Critically Endangered and only just survives. It has a single, very small, declining population and a similarly small, declining range. Threats to the species from habitat destruction are still compounded by trapping for the cage bird trade.

significance to humans

Historically, this species was trapped for the cage bird trade. However, with increasing awareness of the dwindling population size, the economic value of Gurney's pitta has begun to shift from illegal trade to conservation-based ecotourism.

Hooded pitta

Pitta sordida


Turdus sordida P.L.S. Müller, 1776, Philippines. Twelve sub-species recognized.

other common names

English: Green-breasted pitta, black-headed pitta; French: Brève a capuchon; German: Kappenpitta; Spanish: Pita Encapuchada.

physical characteristics

7.5 in (19 cm); 1.6–2.5 oz (42–70 g). Black head and bill. Underparts greenish, with red under tail. Upperparts and wings are darker greenish; light bands on wings.


Widespread throughout Southeast Asia, from the foothills of the Himalayas to Indonesia, the Philippines, and New Guinea. P. s. cucullata is migratory; breeds in the foothills of the Himalayas to Myanmar, Yunnan, and Thailand; moves south to winter in peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra, and Java. Eleven other subspecies, most restricted to small groups of islands.


Forested and wooded habitats, including primary rainforest, degraded or logged forest, secondary forest, bamboo, scrub, plantations, and even cultivated areas adjacent to forests; from sea level up to 4,900 ft (1,500 m).


Primarily terrestrial; occurs alone or in pairs. Hops rapidly along ground to forage and to escape if disturbed, but can also fly strongly. Territorial. Displays observed include bowing, head-bobbing, wing flicking, and wing/tail fanning, possibly serving as alarm or distraction displays.

feeding ecology and diet

Forages terrestrially for insects, worms, berries, and snails.

reproductive biology

Breeds February to August; varies geographically. Dome-shaped nest, usually on ground, constructed from roots, leaves (often bamboo), and twigs. Clutch size usually three, but ranges from two to five. Eggs white with gray, brown, or dark purple spots more numerous on widest end. Female and male share in nest construction, incubation, and provisioning of young.

conservation status

Not threatened; common throughout much of its range where habitat is suitable.

significance to humans

None known.

Superb pitta

Pitta superba


Pitta superba Rothschild and Hartert, 1914, Manus Island, Admiralty Islands.

other common names

English: Black-backed pitta; French: Brève superbe; German: Mohrenpitta; Spanish: Pita Soberbia.

physical characteristics

8.5 in (21–22 cm); c. 3.5–4.6 oz (100–130 g). Black head, wings, upperparts, and underparts to chest. Red under abdomen and tail; white bands on wings.


Island of Manus, Admiralty Islands.


Forested and wooded habitats, including primary forest, secondary forest, bamboo, and scrub.


Poorly known, but assumed to be similar to other pittas. Terrestrial and secretive, occurring alone or in pairs. Territorial, responds to playback of its call.

feeding ecology and diet

Reported to feed on snails and smash them on stone "anvils."

reproductive biology

Probably breeds year round, as do other forest birds of Manus. Single nest was dome-shaped; constructed from roots, leaves (including bamboo), and twigs; and contained two eggs. Eggs white with purplish gray and purplish brown spots, more numerous on the widest end.

conservation status

Because this species is restricted to the island of Manus, the total population size is very small and the species is considered Vulnerable.

significance to humans

None known.

Graceful pitta

Pitta venusta


Pitta venusta S. Müller, 1835, Sumatra.

other common names

English: Black-and-scarlet pitta, black-crowned pitta; French: Brève gacieuse; German: Granatpitta; Spanish: Pita de Corona Negra.

physical characteristics

5.7–7.3 in (14.5–18.5 cm); weight unrecorded. Black head with light blue feather behind eye. Black breast and red underparts. Deep red back and black wings.


Western Sumatra.


Understory and lower levels of forest, especially in most ravines; 1,300–4,600 ft (400–1,400 m).


Terrestrial and secretive, occurring alone or in pairs.

feeding ecology and diet

Diet includes insects, snails, seeds, and worms.

reproductive biology

Probably breeds February to June. A single nest was dome-shaped; constructed from roots, leaves (including bamboo), and soft, rotting material. Clutch size two to three. Eggs described as pure white or dull cream with buffish and brown spots and lines over gray-lilac markings. Markings are evenly distributed over the egg.

conservation status

Considered Vulnerable as of 2000. Its small population may be decreasing due to deforestation and habitat loss.

significance to humans

None known.

African pitta

Pitta angolensis


Pitta angolensis Vieillot, 1816, Angola. Three subspecies recognized.

other common names

English: Angolan pitta; French: Brève d'Angola; German: Angolapitta; Spanish: Pita Africana.

physical characteristics

6.7–8.7 in (17–22 cm); 1.6–3.5 oz (45–98 g). Black head with yellow stripe on side. Whitish under bill to yellow at breast and red under tail. Back and wings are green, with blue and black banding on wings. black tail, and blue on upper tail.


P. a. longipennis: migratory; breeds in central Tanzania, Malawi, southeast Democratic Republic of Congo, eastern Zambia, Zimbabwe, and possibly into northern South Africa; nonbreeding migrant in northern Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Uganda, and coastal Kenya. P. a. pulih: West Africa; resident in Sierra Leone lowlands, Ghana, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and coastal Cameroon. P. a. angolensis: West Africa; southern Cameroon, Guinea, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Angola


Evergreen bush, forest-like thickets along watercourses, and secondary forest; also in tall semi-deciduous and evergreen rainforest; from sea level up to 4,100 ft (1,250 m).


Primarily terrestrial, occurring alone or, especially on breeding grounds, in pairs. Hops rapidly along ground to forage and often flies only a short distance if disturbed before dropping back to the forest floor. Territorial, often singing from the ground or low perch.

feeding ecology and diet

Foraging birds stand motionless watching for prey, then hop to a new spot to continue scanning. Periods of scanning are often followed by the pursuit of insects or other invertebrates among the leaf-litter of the forest floor. Food items include ants, termites, beetles, insect larvae, slugs, snails, millipedes, caterpillars, and earthworms.

reproductive biology

Appears to breed during the wet season. Nest is an untidy dome, placed 7–26 ft (2–8 m) above the ground, often protected by thorns. Constructed from roots, sticks, twigs, dried leaves, rootlets, and fine fibers. Clutch size usually three, but ranges from one to four. Eggs creamy-white, sometimes greenish or pinkish, with reddish brown and purplish spots and lines over gray-lilac markings, most numerous on widest end.

conservation status

Not threatened. Common, especially in breeding range of East Africa, but deforestation is probably contributing to habitat loss and reductions in populations.

significance to humans

None known.

Indian pitta

Pitta brachyura


Corvus brachyurus Linneaus, 1776, Sri Lanka.

other common names

English: Bengal pitta; French: Brève du Bengale; German: Neunfarbenpitta; Spanish: Pita de Alas Azules.

physical characteristics

5.9–7.5 in (15–19 cm); 1.7–2.3 oz (47–66 g). Black mask through eyes with white and brown stripe above. Buffy under bill to yellow at breast and red under tail. Back and wings green; black tail with blue tip; blue, black and white bands on wings.


Breeds in Pakistan, Himachal Pradesh, southern Nepal, southern Sikkim, wet areas of Rjasthan, Kanara, and Bangladesh; and central India; nonbreeding migrant in southern India and Sri Lanka.


Breeds in understory of evergreen and deciduous forest, often near ravines with dense brush or bamboo; nonbreeding migrants use forested areas, including small fragments and wooded gardens; from sea level up to 5,600 ft (1,700 m).


Primarily terrestrial, occurring alone or in pairs. During breeding, males defend territories by calling, often in conjunction with tail bobbing and moving the head forward and backward. When rival males are encountered, territorial males often extend their wings, flashing the white patches at the base of the primaries. Males also defend territories during nonbreeding season, and chase out intruding males.

feeding ecology and diet

Feeds by foraging for invertebrates in the leaf-litter of the forest floor and digging for earthworms with their bill. Food items include ants, termites, insect larvae, slugs, snails, millipedes, and earthworms.

reproductive biology

Breeds May to August. Nest located on the ground or low in a small tree. Constructed from leaves, grass, twigs, and moss, and lined with grass and bamboo or tamarisk leaves. Clutch size usually four to five. Eggs glossy white, sometimes pinkish, with purplish or black spots and specks over dull lavender and purple markings, most numerous on widest end. Nest construction probably primarily by female.

conservation status

Not threatened; still common throughout much of range, despite habitat loss and trapping during migration.

significance to humans

Trapped during migration for use as food, especially along the southern coast of India.

Rainbow pitta

Pitta iris


Pitta iris Gould, 1842, N. Australia.

other common names

English: Black-breasted pitta; French: Brève iris; German: Rogenboenpitta; Spanish: Pita Arco Iris.

physical characteristics

5.9–6.9 in (15–17.5 cm); 1.9–2.5 oz (54–72 g) Black head and breast with brownish band above eye to back of head. Red under tail. Back, wings, and tail green with lighter green on upper wing.


Northern Territory, Australia.


Found in a variety of forest-like habitats, primarily monsoon forest, but also gallery forest along rivers, mangrove edges, eucalypt forest, and scrub; at low elevations along coast.


Primarily terrestrial, occurring alone or in pairs. Birds defend territories and remain on these territories throughout the year. Calling primarily by males, and may be accompanied with a "bowing" display, in which males from adjacent territories assume an upright position then lower their breasts nearly to the ground in slow motion. These displays are believed to maintain territorial boundaries. The species also performs a "wing-flicking" display, perhaps used to alarm or distract predators, and a "ducking posture" that may be used to avoid detection by predators.

feeding ecology and diet

Feeds by foraging in leaf-litter of the forest floor. Food items include spiders, insects, insect larvae, centipedes, snails, earthworms, small frogs, skinks, and Carpentaria palm fruits. Diets vary seasonally, with earthworms dominating during the wet season.

reproductive biology

Breeds October to March. Domed nest is either on the ground or up to a height of 10 ft (3 m). Nest constructed primarily from small twigs and sticks, but also leaves, bark, ferns, vines, and palm fronds. Clutch size usually three to four. Eggs glossy white or creamy-white with dark purple or brownish spots over purple-gray markings, most numerous on widest end. Female and male share nest construction, incubation, and brooding and provisioning of young. Incubation period is 14–15 days, nestling period 14 days.

conservation status

Not threatened; common throughout much of its range where habitat is suitable.

significance to humans

None known.



BirdLife International. Threatened Birds of the World. Barcelona, Spain and Cambridge, UK: Lynx Edicions and BirdLife International, 2000.

Erritzoe, J., and H. Erritzoe. Pittas of the World. Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 1998.

Keith, S., E. Urban, and C. Fry. The Birds of Africa, Vol. 4. London: Academic Press, 1992.

Lambert, F., and M. Woodcock. Pittas, Broadbills and Asities. Sussex, UK: Pica Press, 1996.


Dutson, G., and J. Newman. "Observations on the Superb Pitta (Pitta superba) and Other Manus Endemics." Bird Conservation International 1 (1991): 215–222.

Gretton, A., M. Kohler, R. Lansdown, T. Pankhurst, J. Parr, and C. Robson. "The Status of Gurney's Pitta (Pitta gurneyi) 1987–1989." Bird Conservation International 3(1993): 351–367.

Rozendaal, F. "Species Limits Within the Garnet Pitta-complex." Dutch Birding 16 (1994): 239–245.

Nathaniel E. Seavy, MS

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Pittas (Pittidae)

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