Larcher, Hubert (1921-)

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Larcher, Hubert (1921-)

French physician and authority on industrial medicine who was also active in the field of parapsychology. Larcher was born June 26, 1921, in Paris, France. He studied at the University of Grenoble (Licencié en philosophie, 1943) and the University of Paris (M.D., 1951; diploma in industrial hygiene and industrial medicine, 1955). From 1961 onward he was professor of hygiene and safety at Ecole Normale Sociale, Paris. He became a council member of the Institut Métapsychique International.

Larcher took a special interest in paranormal psychophysiology, pathogenesis, and paranormal cures. He studied the relationship between parapsychology, psychic research, and mysticism, and investigated physiological aspects of metamorphosis and survival, as well as such parapsychological phenomena as levitation and psychokinesis. He is the author of Le sang peut-il vaincre la mort? and the editor of Aux frontierès de la science (1957).


Larcher, Hubert. "Perspectives parapsychochimiques: La Drogue" (Parapsychochemical Outlook: Narcotics). La Tour St. Jacques 1 (1960).

. "Prodiges sanguins après la mort" (Wonders of the Blood after Death). Revue Métapsychique (Sept.-Oct. 1953; Nov.-Dec. 1953).

. "Towards a Science of Healing." Proceedings of Four Conferences on Parapsychological Studies (1957).

. "Trois cas extraordinaires d'oncorruption de la chair" (Three Remarkable Cases of Lack of Decay of Flesh). Revue Métapsychique (March-April 1954).

Pleasants, Helene, ed. Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology. New York: Helix Press, 1964.