Regiminis Apostolici

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A bull of alexander vii dated Feb. 15, 1665, that renewed the condemnations previously directed against C. jansen and prescribed the signing of a formulary that condemned the five propositions censured by Innocent X in 1653, recognizing that they had been extracted from Augustinus and that they had been condemned in the very sense of Jansen. This signature was demanded of all ecclesiastics, religious women, and members of the teaching profession. In fact, this bull ratified those measures that the Assembly of the Clergy in France had already taken in 1655, 1656, and 1661; it therefore effected little change in the already existing situation. Four bishops, however, who were favorable to Jansenism, of whom the most noted were Nicolas Pavillon, Bishop of Alet, and Henry Arnauld, Bishop of Angers and brother of Antoine Arnauld, published the bull in their mandates in which they introduced the famous distinction between droit and fait. In 1667 the Holy Office condemned these mandates and named a commission to proceed against the four bishops, an action that provoked violent reactions in the French episcopate.

Bibliography: h. denzinger, Enchiridion symbolorum, ed. a. schÖnmetzer, (Freiburg 1963) 2020.

[l. j. cognet]