Fagoaga y Lizaur, José María (1764–1837)

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Fagoaga y Lizaur, José María (1764–1837)

José María Fagoaga y Lizaur (b. 1764; d. 1837), Mexican politician. Fagoaga was born in Villa de Rentería, Guipúzcoa, Spain, of a distinguished family, and educated in Mexico City. A determined autonomist, he was in contact with like-minded individuals, among them the marqués de San Juan de Rayas and Jacobo de Villaurrutia. Fagoaga held several important posts, including magistrate of the criminal chamber (1808–1812) and member of the Ayuntamiento of Mexico (1812). As a member of the secret society of Los Guadalupes, he aided the insurgents and later took part in the electoral processes established by the Constitution of Cádiz. He was elected to the Provincial Deputation in 1813 and in 1820 and served as deputy to the Cortes in 1814 and in 1820. Well known for his dissatisfaction with the colonial regime, Fagoaga was imprisoned and prosecuted in 1815. He was deported to Spain, but returned in 1821, in time to sign the Declaration of Independence and to become a member of the Provisional Governing Junta. He was one of the founders of the Scottish rite Masonic lodges, the escoceses, and he distinguished himself as a parliamentarian. In 1822 Fagoaga was one of the deputies imprisoned by Agustín de Iturbide. When the Spanish were expelled in 1827, he was forced into exile. Although Fagoaga subsequently returned to Mexico, he no longer participated in politics. He died in Mexico City.

See alsoPeimbert, Margarita; Sánchez de Tagle, Francisco Manuel.


Diccionario Porrúa de historia, geografía y biografía de México, 5th ed. (1986), vol. 1, pp. 1,049-1,050.

Virginia Guedea, En busca de un gobierno alterno: Los Guadalupes de México (1992).

Additional Bibliography

Gómez Alvarez, Cristina, and Miguel Soto, editors. Transición y cultura política: De la colonia al México independiente. Mexico City: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico, Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México, 2004.

Luna Argudín, María. "De Guadalupes a borbonistas: Desarrollo y proyección política de Fagoaga, Sardaneta y Sánchez de Tagle, 1808–1824." Secuencia: Revista de Historia y Ciencias Sociales 38 (May-August 1997): 24-49.

Méndez Reyes, Salvador. "José María Fagoaga y el dictamen de la comisión de esclavos." Cuadernos Americanos 84 nueva época (November-December 2000): 171-179.

                                             Virginia Guedea