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run·down • n. / ˈrənˌdoun/ [usu. in sing.] 1. an analysis or summary of something by a knowledgeable person: he gave his teammates a rundown on the opposition.2. a reduction in the productivity or activities of a company or institution: a rundown in the business would be a devastating blow to the local economy.3. Baseball an attempt by two or more fielders to tag out a base runner who is trapped between two bases: he was caught in a rundown and tagged out by the shortstop.• adj. / ˈrənˈdoun/ (usu. run-down) 1. (esp. of a building or area) in a poor or neglected state after having been prosperous: a run-down, vandalized inner-city area. ∎  (of a company or industry) in a poor economic state.2. tired and somewhat unwell, esp. through overwork: feeling tired and generally run-down.