
views updated Jun 11 2018

liq·uor / ˈlikər/ • n. 1. alcoholic drink, esp. distilled spirits.2. a liquid produced or used in a process of some kind, in particular: ∎  water used in brewing. ∎  liquid in which something has been steeped or cooked. ∎  liquid that drains from food during cooking. ∎  the liquid from which a substance has been crystallized or extracted.PHRASAL VERBS: liquor up (or liquor someone up) inf. get (or make someone) drunk.ORIGIN: Middle English (denoting liquid or something to drink): from Old French lic(o)ur, from Latin liquor; related to liquare ‘liquefy,’ liquere ‘be fluid.’


views updated May 29 2018

liquor (lik-er) n.
1. (in pharmacy) any solution, usually an aqueous solution.

2. the amniotic fluid surrounding a fetus.