Lamirande, Emilien

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LAMIRANDE, Emilien. Canadian, b. 1926. Genres: History, Theology/Religion. Career: Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Ottawa, Ont., since 1988 (Lecturer, Assistant Professor, 1954-65; Professor, 1971-88). Professor, 1965-70, Chairman, 1972-74, and Dean, 1967-69, Faculty of Theology, St. Paul University, Ottawa; Fellow, Royal Society of Canada, 1984. Publications: Un siecle et demi d'etudes sur l'ecclesiologie de saint Augustin, 1962; What Is the Communion of Saints, 1963; L'Eglise celeste selon saint Augustin, 1963; Dieu chez les hommes-La signification du Pavillon chretien, 1967; Etudes sur l'Ecclesiologie de saint Augustin, 1969; La situation ecclesiologique des Donatistes chez saint Augustin, 1972; Church, State and Toleration: An Intriguing Change of Mind in Augustine, 1975; Le P.G. Simard: Un disciple de saint Augustin, 1981; Paulin de Milan et la "Vita Ambrosii," 1982; Elisabeth Bruyere, fondatrice des Soeurs de la Charite d'Ottawa, 1993, trans. as Elisabeth Bruyere: Foundress of the Sisters of Cahrity of Ottawa, 1995; Une figure meconnue: Damase Dandurand, 1996. Address: 6467 Tellier, Rock Forest, QC, Canada J1N 3B1.

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