Reinig, Christa (1926–)

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Reinig, Christa (1926–)

German feminist writer. Born in Berlin, Germany, Aug 6, 1926; studied 4 years at Humboldt University.

Published one of her 1st poetry collections, Der Abend-der Morgen (Evening-Morning, 1951), followed by Die Steine von Finisterre (The Stones of Finisterre, 1960), and Die Schwalbe von Olevano (The Swallow from Olevano, 1969); served as curator at Märkisches Museum (1957–64); moved from East Germany to West Germany (1964); wrote several radio plays, among them the award-winning Aquarium (1968); also wrote for children, including a book of verse, Hantipanti (1972), and a story, Der Hund mit dem Schlüssel (The Dog with the Key, 1976); published feminist novel, Die Entmannung (Emasculation or Castration, 1976); other works include Die himmlische und die irdische Geometrie (Heavenly and Earthly Geometry, 1975), Orion trat aus dem Haus (Orion Has Left the House, 1969), Die Ballade vom blutigen Bomme (The Ballad of Bloody Bomme, 1972), Mädchen ohne Uniform (Girl Without Uniform, 1981), Feuergefährlich: Gedichte und Erzählungen für Frauen und Männer (Inflammatory: Poems and Stories for Men and Women, 1982), and Idleness is the Root of All Love (poems, published in English, 1991).