Broxon, Mildred Downey (1944–)

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Broxon, Mildred Downey (1944–)

American science-fiction writer. Name variations: (pseudonym) Sigfridur Skaldaspillir. Born Mildred Downey, June 7, 1944, in Atlanta, Georgia; grew up in Brazil; Seattle University, BA in psychology, 1965, BS in nursing, 1970; m. G.D. Torgerson, 1965 (div. 1969); m. William D. Broxon, 1969 (died 1981).

Worked as teacher's aide and psychiatric nurse; served as vice-president of Science Fiction Writers of America (1975–77); wrote novels Eric Brighteyes No. 2: A Witch's Welcome (1979), The Demon of Scattery (with Poul Anderson, 1979), and Too Long a Sacrifice (1983); published short stories in science-fiction magazines; wrote "Singularity," regarded as her best short story, which was anthologized in Black Holes (1979).