Burgot, Pierre (d. 1521)

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Burgot, Pierre (d. 1521)

A werewolf burned at Besançon, France, in 1521 together with Michel Verdun. In his confession, Burgot stated that 19 years earlier he had been collecting his flock of sheep during a great thunderstorm, when he was accosted by three demon horsemen, clad in black. One of these demons asked what troubled him, to which Burgot replied that he was afraid that his sheep might be attacked by wild beasts. The demon told him that if he would serve him as master and renounce God, Our Lady, the company of Heaven, and his baptism, all his sheep would be safe. He would also have money.

Burgot acknowledged the demon. Later, in company with Michel Verdun, he attended a Sabbat of warlocks, where he stripped naked and was anointed with an unguent, after which his limbs became hairy and his feet like those of a beast. Verdun also changed his form, and they both ran like the wind. In the shape of wolves they pursued and attacked children and committed other hideous crimes.


Summers, Montague. The Werewolf. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1933. Reprint, New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books, 1966.