asymmetric valley

views updated May 21 2018

asymmetric valley A valley that has one side steeper than the other, the opposing slopes having significantly contrasting angles. This contrast may be caused by geologic structure or variation in the nature and intensity of erosional (e.g. periglacial) processes and there may be contrasts in the vegetation on the opposing slopes. Such valleys are common in past and present periglacial environments, where aspect has a significant effect on the nature of frost-based processes and on the depth of the active layer.

asymmetric valley

views updated May 08 2018

asymmetric valley Valley that has one side steeper than the other, the opposing sides standing at significantly contrasting angles. This may be due to geologic structure, or to variation in the nature and intensity of erosional processes. Such valleys are common in past and present periglacial environments, where aspect has a significant effect on the nature of frost-based processes.