Hugon, édouard

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Theologian; b. Lafarre, France, Aug. 25, 1867; d. Rome, Feb. 7, 1929. He joined the Dominican Order in 1885 and was ordained in 1892. He taught philosophy and theology at Rosary Hill, New York, and at Poitiers, Angers, and Rijckholt. Hugon became one of the first professors at the Pontifical Institute Angelicum founded in 1909. His teaching and his written works won him the esteem of contemporary popes. Benedict XV made him a consulter on the Congregation for the Oriental Church on March 21, 1918, and Pius XI asked him to prepare a draft for the encyclical Quas Primas (1925) on the kingship of Christ.

Hugon's incisive teaching has been preserved in volumes often reprinted: Logica (Paris 1902), Philosophia Naturalis (Paris 1905), Metaphysica (Paris 1907), Tractatus Theologici (5 v. Paris 192027). As quasipopular monographs he published Le Mystère de la Rédemption (Paris 1910), Le Mystère de la Trinité (Paris 1912), Le Mystère de l'Incarnation (Paris 1913), La Sainte Eucharistie (Paris, 7th ed. 1935), Les Vingtquatre thèses thomistes (Paris 8th ed. 1938). His work ViergePrêtre (Paris 1911) occasioned a lively reaction [cf. r. laurentin, Marie, l'Église et le Sacerdoce (Paris 1952) 476479]. He also made notable contributions to La Vie Spirituelle.

Bibliography: r. garrigoulagrange, Un Théologien apôtre: Le Père Maître Edouard Hugon (Paris 1929). h. hugon, Le Père Hugon (Paris 1930). y. congar, Dictionnaire de thélogie catholique, Tables Générales 16.2:212324.

[a. duval]