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gone / gôn/ • past participle of go1 .• adj. 1. no longer present; departed: while you were gone the bad old days are gone. ∎  no longer in existence; dead or extinct: an aunt of mine, long since gone. ∎  no longer available: all 35,000 tickets will be gone by next weekend. ∎ inf. in a trance or stupor, esp. through exhaustion, drink, or drugs: she sat, half-gone, on a folding chair. ∎  lost; hopeless: spending time and effort on a gone sucker like Galindez. ∎ dated excellent; inspired: a bunch of real gone cats.2. inf. having reached a specified time in a pregnancy: she is now four months gone. • prep. Brit. (of time) past: it's gone half past eleven.PHRASES: be gone on inf. be infatuated with: I always knew he was gone on you.

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