
views updated Jun 08 2018

spas·tic / ˈspastik/ • adj. relating to or affected by muscle spasm. ∎  relating to or denoting a form of muscular weakness (spastic paralysis) typical of cerebral palsy, caused by damage to the brain or spinal cord and involving reflex resistance to passive movement of the limbs and difficulty in initiating and controlling muscular movement. ∎  (of a person) affected with cerebral palsy. ∎ inf., offens. incompetent or uncoordinated.• n. a person with cerebral palsy. ∎ inf., offens. an incompetent or uncoordinated person.DERIVATIVES: spas·ti·cal·ly adv.spas·tic·i·ty / spaˈstisitē/ n.


views updated May 29 2018

spastic (spast-ik) adj. characterized by spasms. s. colon see irritable bowel syndrome. s. paralysis weakness of a limb or limbs associated with increased reflex activity. This results in spasticity and is caused by disease affecting the nerve fibres of the corticospinal tract. See also cerebral palsy.