Wunderlich, Ray Charles, Jr.

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WUNDERLICH, Ray Charles, Jr.

WUNDERLICH, Ray Charles, Jr. American, b. 1929. Genres: Education, Medicine/Health, Psychology, Essays. Career: Pediatrician in private practice, St. Petersburg, Florida, 1961-: currently practicing preventive and nutritional medicine. The "Real Doctor" articles, 1996-. Publications: Kids, Brains, and Learning, 1970; Allergy, Brains, and Children Coping, 1973; Improving Your Diet, and Fatigue, 1976; Sugar and Your Health, 1982; Nourishing Your Child, 1984; Help for New Parents and Parents-to-Be, 1989; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, 1993. Address: 1620 Serpentine Dr S, St. Petersburg, FL 33712, U.S.A. Online address: [email protected]