Oh! Calcutta!

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Oh! Calcutta! ★½ 1972

Film version of the first nude musical to play on Broadway, which caused a sensation in the late 1960s. It's really a collection of skits, some of which were written by such notables as John Lennon, Sam Shepard, and Jules Feiffer. And it's really not that funny or erotic. 105m/C VHS, DVD . Bill Macy, Mark Dempsey, Raina Barrett, Samantha Harper, Patricia Hawkins, Mitchell McGuire; D: Guillaume Martin Aucion; W: Robert Benton, Jules Feiffer, Dan Greenberg, John Lennon, Jacques Levy, Sam Shepard, Leonard Melfi, David Newman, Clovis Trouille, Sherman Yellen; C: Frank Biondo, Arnold Giordano, Jerry Sarcone; M: Prof. Peter Schickele, Robert Dennis.