Kaplan, Inc.

views updated Jun 08 2018

Kaplan, Inc.

888 7th Avenue, 23rd Floor
New York, New York 10106
Telephone: (212) 492-5800
Toll Free: (800) 527-8378
Fax: (212) 492-5933
Web site: http://www.kaplan.com

Wholly Owned Subsidiary of The Washington Post Company
Employees: 16,198
Sales: $538.5 million (2000)
NAIC: 611691 Exam Preparation and Tutoring; 61163 Language Schools; 611710 Educational Support Services; 51121 Software Publishers; 511130 Book Publishers; 61131 Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools; 61141 Business and Secretarial Schools; 61143 Professional and Management Development Training; 56131 Employment Placement Agencies

Kaplan, Inc. is the leading provider of test preparation services in the United States. The company offers preparatory classes for a wide range of standardized examinations including the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), as well as a number of professional licensing examinations. Kaplan also publishes books and software to assist with test preparation, and it offers many services online. Other areas of activity include after-school learning programs for kindergarten through 12th grade students, college admissions counseling, corporate recruitment services, and college-level education offered through a system of more than 30 bricks-and-mortar schools and several Internet sites. A subsidiary of The Washington Post Company since 1984, Kaplan, Inc. has been growing rapidly since the mid-1990s under CEO Jonathan Grayer.

Early Years

The corporation known as Kaplan, Inc. traces its roots to a Brooklyn, New York basement in 1938, where company founder Stanley Kaplan first began tutoring students for a living. Kaplan, born in 1919 to Jewish immigrant parents, got his first experience as a tutor while in elementary school, where he paid friends a nickel apiece to let him help them with their math. Later, in high school, he earned 25 cents an hour preparing his classmates for the New York State Regents exam. After graduating from New Yorks City College, Kaplan expected to attend medical school, but he was not accepted. Returning to his love of teaching, he started a business in his basement tutoring elementary and high school students, as well as new immigrants seeking to learn English.

Kaplan was first introduced to the Scholastic Aptitude Test, as it was then known, by a high school student he was tutoring in algebra, and he quickly saw its potential to boost his business. In 1946 he began to offer a 16-session preparatory class, charging $135. Kaplan reportedly would hold a party for each one of his classes after the test was taken, where he would ask every student to tell him one question from it. These were then used to assemble a rough version of the exam for future classes to study. This practice helped earn him the enmity of the Educational Testing Service (ETS), administrators of the exam, who considered having the New York state legislature make Kaplans tutoring illegal. Although it ultimately did not go that far, the ETS took a public stance that the SAT was uncoachable, and tried to discourage test-takers from using preparatory courses.

The creation of Kaplans SAT prep course was fortuitously timed, as it coincided with the return from World War II of large numbers of college-bound ex-servicemen. Business was soon booming, and Kaplan later moved from his basement into a larger office space. During the 1950s and 1960s courses for other tests such as the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), and Graduate Record Exam (GRE) were added to the growing companys offerings. Word of the preparatory courses spread, and students began coming from around the country to take Kaplans classes.

In 1970, still operating solely in the New York metropolitan area, Kaplan opened his first branch out of town, in Philadelphia, and the company soon added other locations around the country. By 1975 Kaplan was operating a total of 75 educational centers and reaching 70,000 students per year. During the decade the firm (now known as Stanley H. Kaplan Educational Centers) also broadened its scope, adding courses for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and English as a Second Language (ESL), among others.

Despite their popularity, test preparation courses continued to be looked at by some as offering little of value, and in the late 1970s the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigated Kaplan and several of its competitors. The published report confirmed Kaplans contention that the courses worked, however, stating that those who took them scored an average of 50 points higher on the 1,600-point SAT than those who did not. Kaplan claimed vindication, while at the same time insisting that the number of points each students score was raised was actually higher than what the FTC had found.

1984 Sale to The Washington Post Company

In 1984, with nearly half a century of teaching under his belt, Stanley Kaplan sold his business for a reported $33 million to The Washington Post Company, staying on as chief executive. Much of the proceeds from the sale went to the Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation, a charitable organization that supported cultural, educational, and health programs, which Stanley Kaplan also ran.

The companys business had grown a great deal during its first half-century, but in many respects the methods for tutoring students had not significantly changed. Having a virtual monopoly on the field of test preparation, Kaplans firm was reportedly becoming complacent in its middle age. Sensing an opportunity, a competitor emerged in 1981 that directly targeted the companys weaknesses. The Princeton Review, founded by John Katzman in a New York apartment (and having no connection to Princeton University, though Katzman was a graduate of that institution), grew quickly and offered an irreverent, offbeat image compared with the more studious Kaplan. Princeton Reviews classes reportedly were smaller and more dynamic than the industry leaders, and the company charged a premium price for its services. In the mid-1980s Princeton began to publish study materials for tests, something that Kaplan had never done and continued to avoid, fearing they might take people away from its courses. By the early 1990s Princeton had grown into a strong contender for Kaplans position as industry leader, and in fact claimed more SAT prep course students than Kaplan, which still had larger revenues due to its wider range of activities. Princetons advertising campaigns took direct aim at Kaplan, using such sarcastic tag lines as, First he lost his students then he lost his mind. With the upstart now gaining on it, Kaplan was forced to respond, and it issued its first test preparation books in 1993. The company also began to expand its services abroad, opening centers in Europe, Asia, and South America.

The competition continued to heat up, however, with the decidedly irreverent Princeton tweaking Kaplans nose in 1994 when it registered the Internet domain name of Kaplan.com. Computer users who reached the deceptively named site were immediately informed that they were at the Princeton Review and were asked to add to a list of negative comments about Kaplan. Kaplan sued within four days of the sites launch. The case was later resolved through arbitration, though the legal fees cost Kaplan a reported $30,000. The two antagonists had some months earlier signed a 23-page agreement in which they pledged not to misrepresent themselves or each other in their ads, with rules provided for resolving any disputes that might arise.

Turnaround: 199495

Since the early 1990s Kaplan had been operating in the red, with annual losses reportedly reaching the millions. Princeton was continuing to gain ground, and Kaplan needed a strong leader to get it back on track. In June 1994 the company promoted a relative newcomer, 29-year-old Jonathan Grayer, to the posts of president and CEO. Grayer, a Harvard graduate, had worked for Post unit Newsweek magazines marketing department before starting at Kaplan in 1991 as a regional operations director. He quickly drew notice for his creativity and business savvy, and his rise through the ranks was swift. After being placed in charge, Grayer began to hire executives from a wide range of different corporations, and they soon began investing millions to improve the firms courses and launch lines of books, software, and instructional videos. By this time Kaplan had 155 permanent test preparation centers and 600 satellite sites and was earning an estimated $80 million in annual revenues.

In early 1995 Kaplan was again the focus of controversy when the Educational Testing Service accused the firm of sending trained test-takers to the new computerized version of the GRE for purposes of helping its students cheat. Kaplan had in fact sparked the furor by sending a list of 150 questions its staffers had memorized from the test to the ETS, claiming it wanted to make the testing service aware that it was frequently repeating the same ones. The embarrassed ETS immediately filed suit on grounds of copyright infringement, breach of contract, and fraud. Kaplan agreed to stop sending its staffers to memorize the questions, and later settled the suit out of court for $150,000, though it admitted no guilt. The ETS, for its part, had suspended the test a week after Kaplan made its claim and later reissued it with a larger pool of questions.

Company Perspectives:

Kaplan helps individuals achieve their educational and career goals. We build futures one success story at a time .

The year 1995 also saw the launch of Kaplans first web site, www.kaplan.com. The company had initiated its online presence the preceding summer on America Online, but waited until its case against Princeton Review was settled to go forward with its own independent site. The web site and the companys increasing array of software offerings were the work of a new division, Kaplan Interactive.

In the spring of 1995 the company also introduced a student loan information program, which was offered in conjunction with UBL Educational Loan Center. Kaplan would offer counseling, seminars, printed and online materials, and a toll-free telephone number to assist students in finding loans, and UBL would gain access to Kaplans extensive database of loan prospects. In the fall of 1995 Kaplan also acquired Crimson & Brown Associates, a career counseling firm that helped companies find minority recruits and published Career Access magazine and the Minority Resume Book.

Launching Kaplan Books Imprint and Moving into K-12 Education: 199697

Mid-1996 saw Kaplans publishing arm link with Simon & Schuster to publish its test preparation guides under the Kaplan Books imprint. Kaplan Books planned to issue 20 titles per year, including such items as You Can Afford College and a series of All in One test prep guides to the SAT and ACT (American College Test). The year also saw Kaplan acquire Score! Learning, Inc. of San Francisco. Score! provided after-school tutoring programs for K-12 students in a variety of locations.

In 1997 Kaplan and Princeton skirmished again, this time after Kaplan sued the latter over misleading claims on the covers of some of its software boxes. Princeton settled out of court, agreeing to send corrective stickers to stores to cover the incorrect information and to amend future printings. Also during the year, Kaplan acquired the Lendman Group, a 33-year-old Virginia firm that produced job fairs for technology, sales, and marketing companies. Lendman had developed software that could manage large numbers of resumes, as well. Kaplan created a new unit, Kaplan Career Services, to organize the combined operations of Lendman and Crimson & Brown.

The next year Kaplan broadened its ESL offerings by purchasing LCP International Institute, which provided intensive English language training services in California and Washington. Expansion to the East Coast was soon planned. A few months later Kaplan acquired Perfect Access, Inc., a computer consulting firm, and Dearborn Publishing Group of Chicago. Dearborns offerings included titles on real estate, business, and finance. Kaplan also opened its largest branch office to date in Greenwich Village, New York. The 34,500-square-foot site offered preparation courses for the New York high school admissions test, as well as various college and graduate school admissions tests and professional licensing examinations. The facility included an auditorium that seated 155 and a computer training room that could handle 100 students. Kaplans headquarters remained uptown on 56th Street, at which location English language classes, admissions counseling, and a range of test preparation services were offered. The company now had more than 160 permanent centers and 1,200 satellite sites in the United States and abroad.

Founding Concord University School of Law in 1998

The fall of 1998 saw Kaplan take one of its boldest steps ever when it created the first online law school, Concord University School of Law. Concord, initially accredited only in California, operated out of Kaplans Los Angeles office and offered a four-year degree program at a substantial cost savings over traditional schools. Tuition was estimated at a total of $17,000 for four years. A total of 80 students enrolled for the first class, which started in December. Several months later Kaplan acquired the National Institute for Paralegal Arts and Sciences, which also offered legal training online.

Late in 1998 the company found itself under attack by the College Board, co-administrators of the SAT, when the Board released the results of yet another study that found only minimal gains on test scores for those taking prep courses. The Board claimed that the expensive courses yielded an average increase of about 50 points, which it contended was statistically insignificant. Kaplan responded by pointing out that the College Board published its own line of test preparation guides, and questioned the organizations motives in trying to stifle its competition.

The company continued to broaden its offerings in 1999, adding counseling services to help college-bound students get into the school of their choice. Kaplan counselors would help them fill out their college applications and assist with other strategic necessities. The cost was $700 for four to six sessions. Kaplan also was becoming increasingly focused on assisting students in grades kindergarten through 12, where the widespread adoption of standardized tests that were required for advancement in school offered the firm, and its competitors, a new opportunity for growth. Kaplan soon created specialized, age-appropriate study guides for the tests, which differed for each state.

Key Dates:

Stanley Kaplan starts a tutoring service in his Brooklyn, New York basement.
A 16-session SAT preparatory course is introduced.
Kaplan opens first branch outside of New York, in Philadelphia; more follow.
FTC investigation proves effectiveness of Kaplans SAT preparation courses.
Stanley Kaplan sells the business to The Washington Post Company for $33 million.
Printed test preparation study guides are introduced.
Jonathan Grayer is appointed CEO.
Kaplan acquires Score! Learning, Inc.; Kaplan Books imprint is created.
Concord University of Law is formed to offer classes online.
Quest Education Corp.s system of 30 colleges is bought for $165 million.

In early 2000 Kaplan made another acquisition, that of Schweser Study Program of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, which provided test preparation services for the Chartered Financial Analyst examination. Schweser claimed that a third of the 60,000 who took the CFA exam used its products or services. Kaplan subsequently acquired the Career Services subsidiary of Central Newspapers, Inc., which was merged into the recently created Brass Ring subsidiary. Brass Ring offered recruiting and hiring-management services. Kaplan also formed Kaplan Ventures to make investments in education and career services companies. In the first round of spending, stakes were purchased in Apex Learning, Apollo International, Jobscience, and Blackboard, Inc.

Growing Presence on the Web into the 21st Century

As the world became more and more wired, Kaplan was ramping up its online offerings, introducing a number of new services, including a $300 SAT prep course, which was less than half the price of the standard $800 12-session class. The company also was operating several different web sites, including kaptest.com, from which it sold online courses, books, and other materials; eScore.com, which offered parental guidance for child development and learning; kaplanprofessional.com; kaplan.com; and others. In April 2000 Kaplancollege.com was launched, which offered online courses in nursing, real estate, business, and other subjects.

In the summer of 2000 Kaplan acquired Quest Education Corp. in a stock purchase worth $165 million. Quest, based in Georgia, offered associate and bachelors degrees in business, healthcare, and information technology at 30 small schools in 11 states. Kaplan subsequently changed the Davenport, Iowa-based Quest Colleges name to Kaplan College. Soon afterward Quest acquired Denver Paralegal Institute, Ltd., which ran five schools for paralegals. In June Kaplan also reached a pact with Encore Software, Inc. to market Kaplans test prep products around the United States. By the fall, Kaplans top SAT and GRE computer programs were ranked first, second, and third in their sales category by research firm PC Data.

More acquisitions took place in the winter of 2000 and the spring of 2001. In December Kaplan purchased Speer Software Training, Inc. of New York, which provided training and consultation services for law firms. The company was combined with Kaplan unit Perfect Access, which was renamed Perfect Access Speer. In March 2001, Kaplans Canadian division acquired The Study Seminar for Financial Analysts of Windsor, Ontario, which offered test preparation for the CFA exam. Several months later, Kaplan acquired Prosource Educational Services, Inc. of Minnesota, which was a provider of professional education for real estate, insurance, and securities professionals.

Under the guidance of CEO Jonathan Grayer, Kaplan was experiencing explosive growth, as well as diversifying to offer K-12 tutoring, college admissions counseling, professional licensing exam preparation, software and book products, college-level instruction, and more, much of it online. The once moribund company had been transformed into a dynamic, aggressive organization that looked for new opportunities wherever they could be found. It remained the leader in the field that Stanley Kaplan had created in his Brooklyn basement more than 60 years before.

Principal Subsidiaries

Quest Education Corporation; Score! Learning, Inc.; Kaplan (Canada) Ltd.; Dearborn Publishing Group, Inc.; Self Test Software, Inc.

Principal Divisions

Kaplan Test Preparation and Admissions; SCORE! Learning, Inc.; The Kaplan Colleges; Kaplan Professional; Quest Education Corporation.

Principal Competitors

Sylvan Learning Systems, Inc.; The Princeton Review, Inc.; Achieva College Prep Centers; Petersons; The College Board.

Further Reading

Bongiorno, Lori, The Test Tutors Try to Settle a Score, Business Week, November 21, 1994, p. 62.

Bredemeier, Kenneth, Kaplan to Buy Quest Education, Operator of Specialty Schools, Washington Post, June 28, 2000, p. E2.

Bulkeley, William M., Education: Kaplan Plans a Law School Via the Web, Wall Street Journal, September 16, 1998, p. B1.

CB & Test Prep Companies at Odds Over Legitimacy of SAT Study, Electronic Education Report, December 23, 1998.

Cohn, Edward, Selling Higher Test Scores, American Prospect, October 23, 2000, pp. 2931.

Coleman, Sandy, Test-Coaching Company Hopes to Ease MCAS WorriesKaplan Books Point to Growing Role of Tests, Boston Globe, January 7, 2000, p. B1.

Dockser Marcus, Amy, SAT Coaches to Offer Counseling Services to College-Bound Students, Dow Jones Business News, June 28, 1999.

FieldsMeyer, Thomas, and Jennifer Frey, TestmasterBuilder of an International Empire That Improves Kids SAT Scores, Stanley Kaplan Used to Pay to Give Tutoring, People Magazine, December 20, 1999, p. 135.

George, Mary, Testing Guru Gets A in High Standards, Denver Post, March 1, 1990.

Kaplan Aggressively Courts Internet Alliances, Launches Sites, Educational Marketer, April 10, 2000.

Karvetski, Kerstin, Kaplan to Test Digital Exam-Prep Market with Floppy Launch; CD-ROMs to Follow, Computer Retail Week, September 19, 1994, p. 22.

Larini, Rudy, Test-Coaching Firm Settles Lawsuit over Computerized GRE, Star-Ledger (Newark, N.J.), January 28, 1998, p. 21.

Putka, Gary, Test-Cramming Schools Sign Cease-Fire, Wall Street Journal, June 24, 1993, p. B9.

Schwartzman, Paul, Admission Tests Spell Big BusinessTutor Has National Market, Record, Northern New Jersey, June 5, 1987, p. B1.

Scott-Blair, Michael, Test Coach Says U.S. Students Get Bad Rap, San Diego Union-Tribune, March 11, 1984, p. B3.

Sherman, Ted, College Testing Service Sues Exam Prep Firm in Rift over Computer Quiz, Star-Ledger (Newark, N.J.), January 1, 1995.

Testing TimeAs Debate Rages, Its Learning Thats the Key, Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, Penn.), December 28, 1999, p. A14.

Thanh Dang, Dan, Kaplan Illegally Obtained Test Questions, Suit Says, Baltimore Sun, January 1, 1995, p. 1C.

Frank Uhle

Kaplan, Inc.

views updated May 14 2018

Kaplan, Inc.

888 7th Avenue, 23rd Floor
New York, New York 10106
Telephone: (212) 492-5800
Toll Free: (800) 527-8378
Fax: (212) 492-5933
Web site: http://www.kaplan.com

Wholly Owned Subsidiary of The Washington Post Company
Employees: 9,850
Sales: $1.68 billion (2006)
NAIC: 611691 Exam Preparation and Tutoring; 611310 Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools; 611410 Business and Secretarial Schools; 611630 Language Schools; 611430 Professional and Management Development Training; 611710 Educational Support Services; 511210 Software Publishers; 511130 Book Publishers

Kaplan, Inc., is a global education services firm that is the leading provider of test preparation classes in the United States, and also offers college-level education programs online and through more than 70 bricks-and-mortar schools. Other units offer after-school learning programs for kindergarten through 10th-grade students, college admissions counseling, and books and software programs for test preparation. The firm has operations throughout North America and in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Since its 1984 acquisition by the Washington Post Co., Kaplan has grown to account for nearly half the revenues of its parent firm.


Kaplan traces its roots to a Brooklyn, New York, basement in 1938, where company founder Stanley Kaplan first began tutoring students for a living. Kaplan, born in 1919 to Eastern European immigrant parents, got his first experience as a tutor while in elementary school, where he paid friends a nickel apiece to let him help them with their math. Later, in high school, he earned 25 cents an hour preparing his classmates for the New York State Regents exam. After graduating from New York's City College, Kaplan expected to attend medical school, but he was not accepted. Returning to his love of teaching, he started a business in his basement tutoring elementary and high school students, as well as new immigrants seeking to learn English.

Kaplan was first introduced to the Scholastic Aptitude Test, as the SAT was then known, by a high school student he was tutoring in algebra, and he quickly saw its potential to boost his business. In 1946 he began to offer a 16-session preparatory class, charging $135. Kaplan reportedly would hold a party for each one of his classes after the test was taken, where he would ask every student to tell him one question from it. These were then used to assemble a rough version of the exam for future classes to study. This practice helped earn him the enmity of the Educational Testing Service (ETS), administrators of the exam, who considered having the New York state legislature make Kaplan's tutoring illegal. Although it ultimately did not go that far, the ETS took a public stance that the SAT was uncoachable, and tried to discourage test-takers from using preparatory courses.

The creation of Kaplan's SAT prep course was fortuitously timed, as it coincided with the return from World War II of large numbers of college-bound exservicemen. Business was soon booming, and Kaplan later moved from his basement into a larger office space. During the 1950s and 1960s courses for other tests such as the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), and Graduate Record Exam (GRE) were added to the growing company's offerings. Word of the preparatory courses spread, and students began coming from around the country to take Kaplan's classes.

In 1970, still operating solely in the New York metropolitan area, Kaplan opened his first branch out of town, in Philadelphia, and the company later added other locations around the country. By 1975 Kaplan was operating a total of 75 educational centers and reaching 70,000 students per year. During the decade the firm (now known as Stanley H. Kaplan Educational Centers) also broadened its scope, adding courses for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and English as a Second Language (ESL), among others.

Despite their popularity, test preparation courses continued to be looked at by some as offering little of value, and in the late 1970s the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigated Kaplan and several of its competitors. The report confirmed Kaplan's contention that the courses worked, however, stating that those who took them scored an average of 50 points higher on the 1,600-point SAT than those who did not. Kaplan claimed vindication, while at the same time insisting that the number of points each student's score improved was actually higher than what the FTC had found.


In 1984, with nearly half a century of teaching under his belt, Stanley Kaplan sold his business for a reported $33 million to The Washington Post Company, staying on as chief executive. Much of the proceeds from the sale went to the Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation, a charitable organization that supported cultural, educational, and health programs, which Stanley Kaplan also ran.

The company's business had grown a great deal during its first half-century, but in many respects the methods for tutoring students had not significantly changed. Having a virtual monopoly on the field of test preparation, Kaplan's firm was reportedly becoming complacent in its middle age. Sensing an opportunity, a competitor emerged in 1981 that directly targeted the company's weaknesses. The Princeton Review, founded in New York by John Katzman, grew quickly and offered an irreverent, offbeat image compared with the more studious Kaplan. Princeton Review's classes reportedly were smaller and more dynamic than the industry leader's, and in the mid-1980s Princeton began to publish study materials for tests, something that Kaplan had never done and continued to avoid, fearing they might take people away from its courses. By the early 1990s Princeton claimed more SAT prep course students than Kaplan, which still had larger revenues due to its wider range of activities. Princeton's advertising campaigns took direct aim at Kaplan, using such sarcastic tag lines as, "First he lost his students then he lost his mind." With the upstart gaining on it, Kaplan was forced to respond, and it issued its first test preparation books in 1993. The company also began to expand its services abroad at this time, opening centers in Europe, Asia, and South America.


At Kaplan, our mission is to help individuals achieve their educational and career goals. We build futures one success story at a time. As one of the world's leading providers of lifelong education with operations around the globe, we have evolved well beyond our historic roots in test preparation to serve students of all ages through a wide array of offerings. These include programs for kids and schools, post-secondary education, professional training and more. Whether we are helping a first-grade student master basic reading skills, enabling a mother to earn her bachelor's degree, or assisting a financial services professional to obtain a securities license, Kaplan helps students achieve their goals and dreams.

The competition boiled over in 1994 when the decidedly irreverent Princeton tweaked Kaplan's nose by registering the Internet domain name of Kaplan.com. Users of the site were immediately informed that they were at the Princeton Review and were asked to add to a list of negative comments about Kaplan. Kaplan sued within four days of the site's launch and the case was later resolved through arbitration, though the legal fees cost the firm a reported $30,000. The two antagonists had by this time signed a 23-page agreement in which they pledged not to misrepresent themselves or each other in their ads, with rules provided for resolving any disputes that might arise.


Since the early 1990s Kaplan had been operating in the red, with annual losses reportedly reaching the millions. Princeton was continuing to gain ground, and Kaplan needed a strong leader to get the firm back on track. In June 1994 the company promoted a relative newcomer, 29-year-old Jonathan Grayer, to the posts of president and CEO. Grayer, a Harvard graduate, had worked for Post unit Newsweek magazine's marketing department before starting at Kaplan in 1991 as a regional operations director. He quickly drew notice for his creativity and business savvy, and his rise through the ranks was swift. After being placed in charge, Grayer began to hire executives from a wide range of different corporations, and they soon began investing millions to improve the firm's courses and launch lines of books, software, and instructional videos. By this time Kaplan had 155 permanent test preparation centers and 600 satellite sites and was taking an estimated $80 million in annual revenues.

In early 1995 Kaplan was again the focus of controversy when the ETS accused the firm of sending trained test-takers to the new computerized version of the GRE for purposes of helping its students cheat. Kaplan had in fact sparked the furor by sending a list of 150 questions its staffers had memorized from the test to the ETS, claiming it wanted to make the testing service aware that it was frequently repeating the same ones. The embarrassed ETS immediately filed suit on grounds of copyright infringement, breach of contract, and fraud. Kaplan agreed to stop sending its staffers to memorize the questions, and later settled the suit out of court for $150,000, though it admitted no guilt. The ETS, for its part, had suspended the test a week after Kaplan made its claim and later reissued it with a larger pool of questions.

The year 1995 also saw the launch of Kaplan's first web site, www.kaplan.com. The company had initiated its online presence the preceding summer on America Online, but waited until its case against Princeton Review was settled to go forward with its own site. The web site and the company's increasing array of software offerings were the work of a new division, Kaplan Interactive.

In the spring of 1995 the company introduced a student loan information program, which was offered in conjunction with UBL Educational Loan Center. Kaplan would offer counseling, seminars, printed and online materials, and a toll-free telephone number to assist students in finding loans, and UBL would gain access to Kaplan's extensive database of loan prospects. In the fall of 1995 Kaplan also acquired Crimson & Brown Associates, a career counseling firm that helped companies find minority recruits and published Career Access magazine and the Minority Resume Book.


Mid-1996 saw Kaplan's publishing arm link with Simon & Schuster to publish its test preparation guides under the Kaplan Books imprint. The unit planned to issue 20 titles per year, including such items as You Can Afford College and a series of All in One test prep guides to the SAT and ACT (American College Test). The year also saw Kaplan acquire Score! Learning, Inc., of San Francisco. Score! provided after-school tutoring programs for K12 students in a variety of locations.


Stanley Kaplan starts a tutoring service in his Brooklyn, New York, basement.
A 16-session SAT preparatory course is introduced.
Kaplan opens first branch outside of New York, in Philadelphia.
FTC investigation proves effectiveness of Kaplan's SAT preparation courses.
Stanley Kaplan sells the business to The Washington Post Company for $33 million.
Printed test preparation study guides are introduced.
Kaplan acquires Score! Learning, Inc.; a Kaplan Books imprint is created.
Concord Law School is formed to offer classes online.
Quest Education's system of 30 colleges is acquired for $178 million.
Kaplan forms first of several partnerships with U.K.-based universities.
Aspect Education, with English-language operations in 100 countries, is purchased.

In 1997 Kaplan and Princeton skirmished again, this time after the firm sued its rival over misleading claims on the covers of software boxes. Princeton settled out of court, agreeing to send corrective stickers to stores to cover the incorrect information and to amend future printings. Also during the year, Kaplan acquired the Lendman Group, a 33-year-old Virginia firm that produced job fairs for technology, sales, and marketing companies, and software that could manage large numbers of resumes. A new unit, Kaplan Career Services, was subsequently formed to manage the combined operations of Lendman and Crimson & Brown.

The next year Kaplan broadened its ESL offerings by purchasing LCP International Institute, which provided intensive English language training services in California and Washington. A few months later Kaplan acquired Perfect Access, Inc., a computer consulting firm, and Dearborn Publishing Group of Chicago. Dearborn's offerings included titles on real estate, business, and finance. Kaplan also opened its largest branch office to date in Greenwich Village, New York. The 34,500-square-foot site offered preparation courses for the New York high school admissions test, as well as various college and graduate school admissions tests and professional licensing examinations. Kaplan's headquarters remained uptown on 56th Street, at which location English language classes, admissions counseling, and a range of test preparation services were offered. The company had more than 160 permanent centers and 1,200 satellite sites in the United States and abroad.


The fall of 1998 saw Kaplan introduce the world's first online law school, Concord University School of Law. Concord, initially accredited only in California, operated out of the firm's Los Angeles office and offered a four-year degree program at a substantial cost savings over traditional schools. Tuition was estimated at a total of $17,000 for four years. A total of 80 students enrolled for the first class, which started in December. Several months later Kaplan acquired the National Institute for Paralegal Arts and Sciences, which also offered legal training online.

In late 1998 the company found itself under attack by the College Board, coadministrators of the SAT, which had released the results of another study that found only minimal gains on test scores for those taking prep courses. The board claimed that the expensive courses yielded an average increase of about 50 points, which it contended was statistically insignificant. Kaplan responded by pointing out that the College Board published its own line of test preparation guides, and questioned the organization's motives in trying to stifle competition.

The company continued to broaden its offerings in 1999, adding counseling services to help college-bound students get into the school of their choice. The cost was $700 for four to six sessions. Kaplan also was becoming increasingly focused on assisting students in grades kindergarten through 12, where the widespread adoption of standardized tests that were required for advancement offered a new opportunity for growth. The company soon created specialized, age-appropriate study guides for the tests, which differed for each state.

In early 2000 Kaplan acquired the Schweser Study Program of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, which provided test preparation services for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) examination. Schweser claimed that one-third of the 60,000 nationally who took the CFA exam used its products or services. Kaplan subsequently bought the Career Services subsidiary of Central Newspapers, Inc., which was merged into its Brass Ring unit, which offered recruiting and hiring management services. The company also formed Kaplan Ventures to make investments in education and career services companies. In the first round of spending, stakes were purchased in Apex Learning, Apollo International, Jobscience, and Blackboard, Inc.


In the new millennium Kaplan continued to boost its online offerings, introducing a number of new services including a $300 SAT prep course, which was less than half the price of the standard $800 12-session class. The company also was operating several different web sites, including kaptest.com, from which it sold online courses, books, and other materials; eScore.com, which offered parental guidance for child development and learning; kaplanprofessional.com; kaplan.com; and others. In April 2000 Kaplancollege.com was launched, which offered online courses in nursing, real estate, business, and other subjects.

In the summer of 2000 Kaplan acquired Quest Education Corporation in a stock purchase worth $178 million. Quest, based in Georgia, offered associate and bachelor's degrees in business, healthcare, and information technology at 30 small schools in 11 states. Kaplan subsequently changed the Davenport, Iowa-based Quest College's name to Kaplan College. Soon afterward Quest bought Denver Paralegal Institute, Ltd., which ran five schools for paralegals. In June Kaplan also reached a pact with Encore Software, Inc., to market Kaplan's test prep products around the United States. By the fall, Kaplan's top SAT and GRE computer programs were ranked first, second, and third in their sales category by research firm PC Data.

In December 2000 Kaplan purchased Speer Software Training, Inc., of New York, which provided training and consultation services for law firms. It was later combined with Kaplan unit Perfect Access, which was renamed Perfect Access Speer. In March 2001, Kaplan's Canadian division acquired The Study Seminar for Financial Analysts of Windsor, Ontario, which offered test preparation for the CFA exam. Several months later, Kaplan acquired Prosource Educational Services, Inc., of Minnesota, which was a provider of professional education for real estate, insurance, and securities professionals.

In early 2002 the company bought online test-prep services firm Achieva as well as vocational education providers Texas Careers, Thomson Institute, and Technology Education College. Kaplan also appointed Andrew S. Rosen to the post of president, while Jonathan Grayer continued to serve as CEO and chairman.


With Kaplan's revenues continuing to grow the Washington Post Co. began referring to itself as "a media and education company," and during 2003 revenues of the subsidiary eclipsed those of the newspaper. The firm's sales hit $838 million for the year, and it reached profitability after a number of years in the red. Its rapidly growing trade school unit which served 40,000 students accounted for about 40 percent of the total.

In 2003 Kaplan bought information technology practice test maker Transcender LLC, Ireland-based Dublin Business School, and The Financial Training Company. The latter, headquartered in London, prepared 25,000 students in the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Shanghai for accounting examinations. After the $89 million deal was complete it became known as Kaplan Financial. During 2003 Kaplan also offered $138 million to buy 55 percent of the stock options owned by management personnel, which had been hurting its bottom line.

The company's British presence was expanded in 2004 when it formed a partnership with Nottingham Trent University to create Nottingham Trent International College. The firm also boosted Iowa-based Kaplan College's offerings to include graduate courses in education, renaming it Kaplan University. The school's Chicago and Fort Lauderdale, Florida support operations were boosted, as were its online offerings, with total enrollment growing to nearly 30,000 over the next two years.

In 2005 a substantially revised SAT was introduced, and the firm reworked its preparation programs to address the changes. International growth continued during the year with the acquisition of Kidum, Israel's leading test preparation firm, and Asia Pacific Management Institute, which offered undergraduate and postgraduate classes through partnerships with universities in Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the United States. A partnership was also formed with the University of Sheffield to create Sheffield International College, and Kaplan's U.K. operations later grew through similar arrangements with the University of Glasgow and the University of Liverpool, as well as the acquisition of Holborn College, a business and law school near London. In the United States, the company bought professional training firm Bisys Education Services and Andover College, which served 700 students at two locations in Maine. Kaplan had 72 campus locations in 17 states.

In 2006 the company bought U.K.-based Aspect Education, which operated 19 schools and provided English-language education programs to students in 100 countries, and Tribeca Learning of Australia, a financial and real estate education firm. Far Eastern expansion continued through the acquisition of the Hong Kong Putonghua Vocational School (renamed HKVPS Kaplan), a Mandarin-language training firm. Kaplan also began offering an M.B.A. program in partnership with sister Washington Post unit Newsweek, and bought SpellRead, a producer of education programs for elementary and high school students. For 2006 the firm's revenues leapt to more than $1.6 billion, or about 43 percent of its parent company's total. Kaplan now had nearly 10,000 full-time employees and 15,000 part-time ones.

In April 2007 a joint venture called Kaplan ACE was formed with ACE Education of China, which helped students prepare for admission to U.S. universities and also offered college and professional training programs throughout China. The firm would take a 40 percent stake in ACE, and later announced plans to acquire controlling interest. Acquisitions during the year included the education businesses of the Financial Services Institute of Australia, purchased for $36 million; Portobello College, which was merged with Dublin Business School; and Sagemont Virtual, a Florida-based online high school. Kaplan SAT test preparation products also began selling through Apple's iTunes online store during the year.

Nearly 70 years after its founding, Kaplan, Inc., was in an extended phase of growth as it expanded its international and online education operations. The firm's offerings included test preparation courses, college-level instruction, K10 tutoring, software and book products, and more. With the backing of the publicly owned The Washington Post Company, continued growth appeared certain.

Frank Uhle


American Educational Resources, Inc.; DP Group, Inc.; Education Connection Services, Inc.; Kaplan Netherlands B.V.; Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions Ltd. (United Kingdom); Kaplan (Canada) Ltd.; Kaplan Educational Services de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. (99%); Kaplan Higher Education Corporation; Kaplan International, Inc.; Kaplan IT, Inc.; Kaplan Mexico Holdings, LLC; Kaplan (PR), Inc. (Puerto Rico); Kaplan Test Prep International, Inc.; Kaplan U.K. Ltd. (United Kingdom); Kaplan Australia Holdings Pty Ltd.; Kaplan Singapore Pte. Ltd.; Score! Learning, Inc. (95. 85%); Washington Post/Kaplan IC Ltd. Company (Cyprus).


Kaplan Kids and Schools; Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions; Kaplan Higher Education; Kaplan Professional.


Educate, Inc.; The Princeton Review, Inc.; Apollo Group, Inc.; Career Education Corp.; Laureate Education, Inc.; Corinthian Colleges, Inc.; ITT Educational Services, Inc.; Strayer Education, Inc.; Huntington Learning Centers, Inc.


Ahrens, Frank, "Kaplan Revenue Seen Topping Post's," Washington Post, November 16, 2002, p. E2.

Bongiorno, Lori, "The Test Tutors Try to Settle a Score," Business Week, November 21, 1994, p. 62.

Bredemeier, Kenneth, "Kaplan to Buy Quest Education, Opera tor of Specialty Schools," Washington Post, June 28, 2000, p. E2.

Bulkeley, William M., "Education: Kaplan Plans a Law School via the Web," Wall Street Journal, September 16, 1998, p. B1.

"CB & Test Prep Companies at Odds over Legitimacy of SAT Study," Electronic Education Report, December 23, 1998.

Cohn, Edward, "Selling Higher Test Scores," American Prospect, October 23, 2000, pp. 2931.

Coleman, Sandy, "Test-Coaching Company Hopes to Ease MCAS Worries," Boston Globe, January 7, 2000, p. B1.

Dockser Marcus, Amy, "SAT Coaches to Offer Counseling Services to College-Bound Students," Dow Jones Business News, June 28, 1999.

FieldsMeyer, Thomas, and Jennifer Frey, "TestmasterBuilder of an International Empire That Improves Kids' SAT Scores, Stanley Kaplan Used to Pay to Give Tutoring," People, December 20, 1999, p. 135.

George, Mary, "Testing Guru Gets 'A' in High Standards," Denver Post, March 1, 1990.

Golden, Daniel, and Matthew Rose, "Cash Course: Kaplan Transforms into Big Operator of Trade Schools," Wall Street Journal, November 7, 2003, p. A1.

"Kaplan Aggressively Courts Internet Alliances, Launches Sites," Educational Marketer, April 10, 2000.

"Kaplan College Obtains University Status," Associated Press Newswires, September 28, 2004.

Karvetski, Kerstin, "Kaplan to Test Digital Exam-Prep Market with Floppy Launch; CD-ROMs to Follow," Computer Retail Week, September 19, 1994, p. 22.

Krawitz, Avi, "Washington Post's Kaplan Buys Kidum," Jerusalem Post, August 4, 2005, p. 17.

Larini, Rudy, "Test-Coaching Firm Settles Lawsuit over Computerized GRE," Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger, January 28, 1998, p. 21.

Lijun, Mao, "Kaplan to Acquire Greater ACE Stake," China Daily, August 2, 2007.

Putka, Gary, "Test-Cramming Schools Sign Cease-Fire," Wall Street Journal, June 24, 1993, p. B9.

Schwartzman, Paul, "Admission Tests Spell Big BusinessTutor Has National Market," Record (N.J.), June 5, 1987, p. B1.

Scott-Blair, Michael, "Test Coach Says U.S. Students Get Bad Rap," San Diego Union-Tribune, March 11, 1984, p. B3.

Sherman, Ted, "College Testing Service Sues Exam Prep Firm in Rift over Computer Quiz," Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledger, January 1, 1995.

"Testing TimeAs Debate Rages, It's Learning That's the Key," Lancaster (Pa.) Intelligencer Journal, December 28, 1999, p. A14.

Thanh Dang, Dan, "Kaplan Illegally Obtained Test Questions, Suit Says," Baltimore Sun, January 1, 1995, p. 1C.

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