
views updated May 29 2018

crista (pl. cristae) An infolding of the inner membrane of a mitochondrion that projects into the matrix of the organelle. Cristae bear numerous mushroom-shaped bodies, variously called respiratory assemblies, stalk bodies, or elementary particles, which contain certain of the enzymes involved in ATP synthesis.


views updated May 21 2018

crista (pl. cristae) An infolding of the inner membrane of a mitochondrion that projects into the matrix of the organelle. Cristae bear numerous mushroom-shaped bodies, variously called respiratory assemblies, stalk bodies, or elementary particles, which contain certain of the enzymes involved in ATP synthesis.


views updated May 18 2018

1. See semicircular canals.

2. See mitochondrion.


views updated May 14 2018

crista (krist-ă) n. (pl. cristae)
1. the sensory structure within the ampulla of a semicircular canal within the inner ear.

2. one of the infoldings of the inner membrane of a mitochondrion.

3. any anatomical structure resembling a crest.