Werber, Baruch

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WERBER, BARUCH (1810–1876), Hebrew author and editor. Born in Brody, Galicia, he began his literary career writing for the Hebrew weekly Ha-Mevasser. In 1865, he founded the weekly Ivri Anokhi in Brody, editing it until his death. This was devoted primarily to news and popular science, and although it had a conservative and moderate orientation, sharply attacked the ultra-Orthodox Galician followers of the rebbe of *Belz. Among his writings are: Megillat Kohelet, an introduction and commentary to Ecclesiastes (1862, 1876); Toledot Adam, a biography of the French public figure, Albert Cohen (1870).


Gelber, in: Arim ve-Immahot be-Yisrael, 6 (1955), 219–20; Kressel, Leksikon, 1 (1965), 703–4.

[Gedalyah Elkoshi]