Odo of Cambrai°

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ODO OF CAMBRAI ° (d. 1113), bishop and theologian. Among Odo's works was the polemic text Disputatio contra Judaeum Leonem de adventu Christi, which he claimed was an account of a disputation held in *Senlis during the Christmas season of 1106 between himself and a Jew named Léon. The disputation deals mainly with the virginal birth and the incarnation, and in some places it is clear that Odo borrowed from *Anselm of Canterbury. Odo dedicated this text to a certain Acardus, a monk from the abbey of Fémy, near Cambrai, in commemoration of his visit to this abbey, where he had already expounded the subjects covered by the Disputatio.


P. Browe, Judenmission im Mittelalter (1942), 63, 101, 115; F. Cayre, Patrologie…, 2 (19453), 386; J. de Ghellinck, L'essorde la littérature latine, 1 (1946), 164; pl, 160 (1880), 1103–12.

[Bernhard Blumenkranz]

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