Ius Publicum

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Ius publicum are treatises on the "public law" of the Church have traditionally been divided into ius publicum internum, and externum. The former denotes that describe the internal constitution, structures, procedures, and power of the Church. The NCE treats these topics passim in articles pertinent to the Code of Canon Law and under such headings as Roman Curia, Pontifical Councils, and Synods. Ius publicum externum is the study of the external relationships between the Church and the civil legal systems which the Church encounters throughout the world.

See Also: church and state (canon law)

Bibliography: f. m. cappello, Summa Iuris Publici Ecclesiastici (Rome 1928). m. c. a coronata, Ius Publicum Ecclesiasticum (Turin 1948). a. ottaviani, Institutiones Iuris Publici Ecclesiastici, 2 v. (Vatican City 19471948). a. ottaviani, Compendium Iuris Publici Ecclesiastici (Vatican City 1954). f. m. marchesi, Summula Iuris Publici Ecclesiastici (Naples 1960). j. c. murray, We Hold These Truths: Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition (New York 1960); The Problem of Religious Freedom (Westminster, Md. 1965). p. pavan, Libertá religiosa e pubblici poteri (Milan 1965). Vatican II, declaration Dignitatis humanae (Dec. 7, 1965). c. cardia, Il governo della Chiesa (Bologna 1984). Pertinent topics are also treated in the standard commentaries, e.g. j. p. beal et al., New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law (New York 2000); and l. chiappetta, Il Codice di Diritto Canonico: Commento giuridicopastorale (Rome 1996).

[j. staab]