Caro, Georg Martin

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CARO, GEORG MARTIN (1867–1912), German economic and social historian. Born in Glogau, Silesia/Germany, Caro finished his Ph.D. thesis in Strasbourg in 1891, where he studied with Harry *Bresslau. After a long sojourn in Italy he taught at Zurich University in Switzerland. His interests were focused on medieval and modern economic and social history in Italy and Central Europe. His major works include Genua und die Maechte am Mittelmeer 1257–1311 (1895–99, Caro's Habilitation) and Beitraege zur aelteren deutschen Wirtschafts-und Verfassungsgeschichte (1905–11). His main contribution to Jewish historiography is the unfinished Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Juden im Mittelalter und der Neuzeit ("Social and Economic History of the Jews in the Middle Ages and Modern Times," 2 vols., 1908–20; reprint 1964). This work, which was also translated into Hebrew, succeeded in combining a concise overview with a popular style of writing.

add. bibliography:

R. Heuer (ed.), Lexikon deutsch-juedischer Autoren, 5 (1997), 7–9.

[Hanns G. Reissner /

Marcus Pyka (2nd ed.)]