Braun, Abraham

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BRAUN, ABRAHAM (Sergei ; 1881–1940), Bundist leader in Latvia. Born in *Riga, Braun joined the *Bund in 1900 while a student at the Riga Polytechnikum. A brilliant speaker and propagandist, he worked clandestinely on behalf of the party in various towns and was imprisoned several times for revolutionary activities. Braun took part in 1906 in the seventh conference of the Bund in Berne and in its seventh convention in Lvov. He was also sent to South Africa as an emissary of the party. After 1917 Braun renewed his activities in the Bund, and at the eighth party convention that year he was elected to the central committee. From 1921 he lived in Riga, where he was active as a speaker and a journalist. After the Fascist take-over in Latvia in 1934, he was sent to a detention camp, and later deported. From 1938 he lived in New York, traveled as speaker for the Arbeiter-Ring (*Workmen's Circle), and contributed to its publication Friend.


J.S. Herz (ed.), Doyres Bundistn (1956), 298–307.