
views updated May 14 2018

con·trar·y • adj. / ˈkänˌtre(ə)rē/ 1. opposite in nature, direction, or meaning. ∎  (of two or more statements, beliefs, etc.) opposed to one another: his mother had given him contrary messages. ∎  (of a wind) blowing in the opposite direction to one's course; unfavorable. ∎  Logic (of two propositions) so related that one or neither but not both must be true. Compare with contradictory.2. perversely inclined to disagree or to do the opposite of what is expected or desired.• n. / ˈkänˌtre(ə)rē/ (pl. -trar·ies) 1. (the contrary) the opposite: the magazine has proved that the contrary is true.2. Logic a contrary proposition.PHRASES: contrary to conflicting with; counter to: contrary to his expectations, he found the atmosphere exciting.on (or quite) the contrary used to intensify a denial of what has just been implied or stated: there was no malice in her; on the contrary, she was very the contrary with the opposite meaning or implication: he continued to drink despite medical advice to the contrary.DERIVATIVES: con·trar·i·ly / -əlē/ adv.con·trar·i·ness n.


views updated May 29 2018

contrary XIV. — AN. contrarie, (O)F. contraire — L. contrārius, f. CONTRA; see -ARY. Regularly stressed contra ry till XVIII, and still so in the sense of ‘perverse, obstinate’.

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