Cane Creek, North Carolina

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Cane Creek, North Carolina

CANE CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA. 12 September 1780. In the Loyalist invasion of western North Carolina that preceded the Battle of Kings Mountain, Major Patrick Ferguson pushed some twenty-two miles north of Gilbert Town (later Rutherfordton), North Carolina. A skirmish with rebel militia at Cane Creek, near the home of Colonel John Walker, produced a few casualties before the rebels withdrew. Ferguson took about a dozen prisoners, whom he released on parole before he started the movements that led to his annihilation at Kings Mountain. By a strange coincidence another action took place almost exactly a year later at another Cane Creek in North Carolina (also known as Lindley's Mill) on 13 September 1781.

SEE ALSO Kings Mountain, South Carolina.

                            revised by Michael Bellesiles