Ogden v. Saunders

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OGDEN V. SAUNDERS, 12 Wheaton 213 (1827), a suit involving the constitutionality of many state bankruptcy laws, was brought before the U.S. Supreme Court by David Bayard Ogden, who sought a discharge in bankruptcy under New York legislation enacted in 1801. In March 1827 the Court by a close division (4 to 3) upheld the validity of the legislation in dispute but restricted its application to the state in which it was enacted. Chief Justice John Marshall gave his only dissenting opinion upon a constitutional question in this important, although not altogether popular, decision.


Warren, Charles. Bankruptcy in United States History. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1935.

Ray W.Irwin/a. r.

See alsoBankruptcy Laws ; Contract Clause ; Debt, Imprisonment for ; Fletcher v. Peck ; Sturges v. Crowninshield ; Supreme Court .