Saabye Christensen, Lars

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SAABYE CHRISTENSEN, Lars. Norwegian, b. 1953. Genres: Novels, Poetry, Plays/Screenplays. Career: Fictionwriter, scriptwriter, and poet. Publications: NOVELS: Amatoren (title means: The Amateur), 1977; Billet- tene, 1980; Jokeren, 1981, trans. S.M. Nordby as The Joker, 1991; Beatles, 1984; Blodets band (title means: The Blood-Bond), 1985; Sneglene (title means: The Snails), 1987; Herman, 1988, trans. S.M. Nordby as Herman, 1992; Bly, 1990; Gutten som ville vaere en av gutta, 1992; Jubel, 1995; Kongen som ville ha mer enn en krone (title means: The King Who Wanted More than a Crown), 1999; Halvbroren, 2001, trans. K. Stevens as The Half Brother, 2003. POETRY: Ordbok (title means: Dictionary), 1977; Kamelen i mitt hjerte (title means: The Camel in My Heart), 1978; Jaktmarker (title means: Hunting-Grounds), 1979; Paraply (title means: Umbrella), 1982; asteder (title means: Crime Scenes), 1986; Stempler, 1989; (with A. Oxem and O. Aalo) Vesteralen: lyset, livet, landskapet, 1989, trans. T. Challman as Vesteralen: Light, Life, Landscape, 1989; Den akustiske skyggen (title means: The Acoustic Shadow), 1993; Nordmarka, 1993; Den andre siden av blatt: et bilde-dikt fra Lofoten og Vesterälen, 1996, trans. Tim Challman as The Other Side of Blue: Pictures and Poems from Lofoten and Vesteralen, 1997; Fall- eferdig himmel (title means: Tumbledown Heaven), 1998; Pinnsvinsol, 2000; Mann for sin katt, 2000. PLAYS/SCREENPLAYS: Brennende blomster, 1985; Telegrafisten, 1993; Columbus' ankomst (play; title means: The Coming of Columbus), 1986; Mekka (play; title means: Mecca), 1994; Ti kniver i hjertet (also known as Cross My Heart and Hope to Die), 1995; Horor du Ikke hva jeg Sier!, 1996; Herman; Dracula (play), 2000. STORIES: Ingens, 1992; Den misunnelige frisoren (title means: The Envious Hairdresser), 1992; Noen som elsker hverandre (title means: Someone to Love), 1999. OTHER: Historien om Gly: dikt/prosa, 1976; (with N. Rees) Graffiti, 1984; Hvor er det blitt av alle gutta: dikt i utvalg 1973-1990, 1991; Pasninger, 1998; Under en sort paraply: dikt i utvalg (title means: Under an Umbrella of Sorts), 1998. EDITOR: Sa stor du er blitt: 11 norske fortellere, (title means: You've Gotten So Big: Eleven Norwegian Story-Tellers), 1981; (with A. Sandberg) Nar det tause far og pa seg: studentnoveller, 1983; Signaler (anthology), 1986-97. Contributor to periodicals. Address: c/o Author Mail, Arcadia Books, 15-16 Nassau St., London W1 7AB, England.