Archambault, Mademoiselle (c. 1724–?)

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Archambault, Mademoiselle (c. 1724–?)

French feminist essayist. Born around 1724 in Laval, France; died after 1750.

In the spirit of British feminist Jane Anger , Mademoiselle Archambault, a native of Laval and daughter of a tax collector, wrote in defense of women. The essay Dissertation sur la question: lequel de l'homme ou de la femme est plus capable de constance? ("Essay on the Question: Are Men or Women More Loyal?") was published in 1750. Archambault followed with a piece questioning the equality of women and men in intellectual and physical strength; never published, this work can be found in the Bibliothèque de Laval.

Crista Martin , Boston, Massachusetts