Bat-Miriam, Yocheved (1901–1980)

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Bat-Miriam, Yocheved (1901–1980)

Israeli poet. Name variations: Yocheved Zhelezniak. Born Yocheved Zhelezniak, 1901, in Keplits, Belorussia (now Belarus); died 1980; studied at universities of Odessa and Moscow; children: son Zuzik (killed in War of Independence, 1948).

Immigrated to Palestine (1928); published 1st book of verse (1929); following death of son (1948), never wrote again; collections include Merahok (1932), Eretz Israel (1937), Shirim La'ghetto (1946) and Shirim (1963). Awarded the Bialik Prize (1964) and Israel Prize (1972).