Andujar, Claudia (1931–)

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Andujar, Claudia (1931–)

Swiss-born photographer. Born in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 1931; moved to Safigureo Paulo, Brazil.

Specializing in ethnographic documentation and photojournalism, documented the Carja and Bororo Indians in central Brazil (1955); began an ongoing project with Yanomami Indians along the Catrimani River in northern Brazil (1970s), which included examining their daily life and rituals; chaired the commission that, in 1983, successfully petitioned the Brazilian government to set aside a 19-million-acre reserve as a park for the Yanomami; freelanced for Time, Life, Look and Esquire magazines and published several books dealing with Indians, including Yanomami (1978) and Amazonia (1979).