Tabachnik, Abraham Ber

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TABACHNIK, ABRAHAM BER (1901–1970), Yiddish poet and literary critic. Born in a village near Mohilev-Podolsk (Ukraine), he immigrated to New York in 1921, taught in Yiddish schools, and worked for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. He wrote his first poems in Russian, before turning to Yiddish. He co-edited the anthologies Fayln ("Arrows," 1928–31), and the literary quarterly Vogshol ("Scale," 1959). In the 1950s he made sound recordings of more than 20 Yiddish poets reading their works (17 cassettes, now in the National and University Library, Jerusalem). Some of Tabachnik's best studies as a critic dealt with M. *Rosenfeld, J. *Rolnick, *Mani-Leib, Z. *Landau, and A. Stolzenberg. A collection of his literary portraits was compiled in the volume Dikhter un Dikhtung ("Poets and Poetry," 1965).


lsnyl, 4 (1961), 1–3; S. Niger, Kritik un Kritiker (1959), 156–62; S.D. Singer, Dikhter un Prozaiker (1959), 113–21; J. Glatstein, In Tokh Genumen, 2 (1960), 253–8. add. bibliography: I. Oren (ed.), Kratkaia evreĭskaia entsiklopediia, 8 (1996), 676–7.

[Sol Liptzin /

Jerold C. Frakes (2nd ed.)]