She'erit Ha-Ḥazzan

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SHE'ERIT HA-ḤAZZAN (12th century), paytan and poet in Egypt. There are several piyyutim in manuscript signed "She'erit," which does not necessarily mean that all belong to the same author. A paytan named She'erit ha-Levi is known, and another named She'erit ha-Ḥazzan the Blind, the son of Japhet. The paytan in question here is probably "She'erit ha-Ḥazzan," the Splendor of Ḥazzanim, b. Shemariah, the Glory of Ḥazzanim, who, in 1160, lived near Fostat. This can be deduced from a Genizah piyyut, published by *Schirmann (see bibl.). From the style of the piyyutim, it appears that he was considerably influenced by the Spanish school. In addition to the piyyut "Shilḥah ve-Have Ẓori le-Ẓirai" ("Send and bring balm to my pangs"), Schirmann also attributes to him the seliḥah "Shivtei Yeshurun Lekha be-Shir No'amim" ("The tribes of Yeshurun address themselves to Thee in song"), which is signed only "She'erit."


Mann, Egypt, 2 (1922), 293; H. Schirmann, Shirim Ḥadashim min ha-Genizah (1965), 103–5, 463 no. 228.