Pégues, Thomas

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Thomistic theologian; b. Marcillac, France, Aug. 2, 1866; d. Dax, April 28, 1936. He entered the Dominican order in 1888 and was ordained in 1892. He taught theology at Toulouse (1892) and Rome (1909). He became regent of studies for the Toulouse (1921) and Roman provinces (192835). Pégues' principal works are Jésus-Christ dans l'évangile (Paris 1899), Initiation thomiste (Toulouse 1921), Aperçus de philosophie thomiste et de propédeutique (Paris 1927), and Commentaire français littéral de la Somme Théologique de Saint Thomas d'Aquin, 21 v. (Toulouse-Paris 190732). In his monumental commentary he carefully followed the text of the Summa theologiae and explained St. Thomas's meaning by citing almost exclusively from his other works to show continuity and consistency of doctrine. Among his many articles the most noteworthy historically is "L'hérésie du renouvellement" against modernism. It appeared in the Revue Thomiste (1907) two months before the promulgation of the encyclical Pascendi by Pius X (d. 1914).

Bibliography: r. garrigou-lagrange, Revue thomiste 41 (1936) 441445. Memoire domenicane 53 (1936) 193197.

[w. d. hughes]