Lévai, Jenö

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LÉVAI, JENÖ (1892–?), Hungarian journalist who pursued research on the Holocaust of Hungarian Jewry. Lévai was born in Budapest and studied engineering, but even in his youth was attracted to journalism. Between the two World Wars he waged a fierce struggle in the press against antisemitism in Hungary, particularly against László *Endre, who later cooperated with Adolf *Eichmann. After World War ii he was commissioned by the new government of Hungary to collect material on the persecution of the Jews under the previous regime. From that time he devoted himself entirely to this subject, publishing books and articles which revealed new information on the anti-Jewish activities of the Hungarian and German Nazis, his research taking him to different countries of Europe.

His works include Black Book on the Martyrdom of Hungarian Jewry (1948), and Eichmann in Hungary: Documents (1961).

[Yehouda Marton]