Granada, Gabriel de

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GRANADA, GABRIEL DE (b. 1629), Marrano, arrested for Judaizing by the Inquisition in Mexico in 1642. During his trial, although not under torture as is commonly supposed but under the frightening pressures of his surroundings, he implicated over 80 other people, including his mother, four aunts, grandmother, and brother. His father, Manuel de Granada, who had traveled to the Philippines, died before Gabriel's arrest; his mother, Maria de Rivera, starved herself to death in the Inquisition jail. The trial dragged on at least until September 1645 and Gabriel was not sentenced until April 16, 1646, when he was reconciled to the Church.


C. Adler (ed.), Trial of Gabriel de Granada by the Inquisition in Mexico 16421645, tr. by D. Fergusson (1899 = ajhsp, 7 (1899), 1–134); ajhsp, index to vols. 1–20 (1914), and index to later volumes.

[Martin A. Cohen]