Fuerstenberg, Carl

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FUERSTENBERG, CARL (1850–1933), German banker. Born in Danzig, Fuerstenberg worked for the Berlin banking house of S. *Bleichroeder from 1871 to 1883, when he left to join the Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft, another prominent issuing and investment bank. Under Fuerstenberg's guidance the Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft became one of the leading financial institutions of late Imperial Germany operating in global business. It developed especially close connections with German heavy and electrical industries, and introduced Russian and United States securities to the Berlin Stock Exchange. Fuerstenberg also established firm relations with the New York firm of *Hallgarten and Company which were useful after World War i, when Germany needed foreign credit. Fuerstenberg married a Jewish woman whose family came from Poland. His attitude towards his Jewishness was strongly influenced by the idea of acculturation. His son Hans was educated as a Protestant. Fuerstenberg was known for his caustic wit. He refused all offers of titles and decorations. His memoirs were published by his son Hans.


R.E. Lueke, Die Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft 1856–1956 (1956), H. Fuerstenberg, Carl Fuerstenberg: Die Lebensgeschichte eines deutschen Bankiers (1961, first printed 1931). add. bibliography: Erinnerungen: Mein Weg als Bankier und Carl Fürstenbergs Altersjahre (1965); Hans Fuerstenberg (ed.), Carl Fuerstenberg – Anekdoten: Ein Unterschied muß sein (1978).

[Joachim O. Ronall /

Christian Schoelzel (2nd ed.)]