Bernard of Offida, Bl.

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Capuchin lay brother famed for his sanctity and charity (baptized Domenico Peroni); b. Lama, Italy, Nov. 7, 1604; d. Offida, Aug. 22, 1694. He was born of peasant folk and received little education. He entered the Capuchin Order at Corinaldo on Feb. 16, 1626, and made rapid progress in the spiritual life. When sent to Fermo, he served as cook and infirmarian. Transferred to Offida at the age of 65, he became porter and questor. A plague in that area gave him occasion to devote his energies to the sick and poor, and this became his apostolate for the rest of his life. He worked many miraculous cures and brought many into the Church. His reputation for holiness spread throughout that region. In the bull of his beatification on May 25, 1795, Pope Pius VI cited his charity to the poor and needy and his profound humility. His cause for canonization is no longer active.

Feast: Aug. 26.

Bibliography: Lexicon Capuccinum (Rome 1951) 212. Bernardo da Offida: atti del convegno storico sul beato cappuccino, ed. r. lupi and p. maranesi (Rome 1996). a. teetaert, Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, ed. a. baudrillart (Paris 1912) 8:709. Bullarium O.F.M. Cap., v.17 (Rome 174052), v.810 (Innsbruck 188384) 10:771. pellegrino da forli, Annali del'Ordine dei FF. Minori Cappuccini, 4 v. (Milan 188285) 3:505516.

[b. smits]

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