Amadeus of Lausanne, St.

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Cistercian abbot of Hautecombe (113944), bishop of Lausanne (1144 or 114559); b. chateau of Chatte in the Dauphiné, Jan. 21, 1110; d. Lausanne, Aug. 27, 1159. Schooled at the imperial court, Amadeus followed the example of his father, Amadeus the Elder of Clermont-Hauterive, in quitting noble rank for cloistered anonymity (1125), but he did not find the obscurity he sought, for his abbot, St. bernard of clairvaux, urged him into posts of leadership. He was often imperial counselor, papal legate, and local arbiter. As bishop he put into practice the monastic ideals of personal piety, devotion to communal peace, and attention to practical detail. He was the author of eight homilies in honor of the Blessed Virgin, the seventh of which was cited twice in the 1950 papal definition of the Assumption. After his death he was acclaimed blessed by his people and his order, and his cult was confirmed by St. Pius X. In 1911 his tomb was discovered in the old Lausanne cathedral, and his relics were taken to Fribourg.

Feast: Jan. 28.

Bibliography: Huit homélies mariales, ed. g. bavaud et al. (Sources Chrétiennes, ed. h. de lubac et al., 72; Paris 1960). a. dimier, Amédée de Lausanne, disciple de saint Bernard (S. Wandrille 1949). Collectanea ordinis Cisterciensium Reformatorum (Rome-Westmalle 1934) 21:165, commemorative issue, 8th centenary of St. Amadeus's death.

[p. edwards]