Amesa Spentas

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Amesa Spentas. The ‘Bounteous’ (or Holy) Immortals in Zoroastrianism. Zoroaster mentions a number of heavenly forces, the creations of, and therefore subservient to, Ahura Mazda, but powers through which Ahura and his worshippers are linked. In the later tradition they form a coherent system of seven beings, although there is some difference about which figures are included in the seven, notably whether Ahura is himself one of the seven or not (in which case the ancient figure of Sraosa becomes one instead). Each of the seven protects one of the seven creations which is represented in major rituals by its symbol. The Amesa Spentas are, therefore, part of theology and liturgy. Apart from Ahura Mazda, and his unique Holy Spirit (Spenta Mainyu) each of these forces represents both an aspect of Ahura and a feature of the good Zoroastrian. The six other than Ahura are: (i) Vohu Manah, the Good Mind; (ii) Asa, righteousness or truth; (iii) Armaiti, spoken of as feminine, represents devotion; she is the personification of faithful obedience, harmony, and worship, and is said to have appeared visibly to Zoroaster; (iv) Khsathra, the personification of Ahura's might, majesty, dominion, and power; (v) and (vi), Haurvatat and Ameretat, two feminine beings, always mentioned together in the texts, representing wholeness, totality, or fullness (often translated as integrity). Haurvatat is the personification of what salvation means to the individual. Ameretat, literally deathlessness, is the other aspect of salvation—immortality.

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