Defense Research Institute

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The Defense Research Institute (DRI) was founded in 1960 to limit the abuse of legal processes for personal injury compensation through a program of education and information. The institute seeks to improve the knowledge and ability of defense attorneys and the fairness of the adversary system of justice. It is intended to be a counterpart to the American Trial Lawyers Association (ATLA), which is plaintiff-oriented. The institute provides research facilities such as files of speeches, briefs, and names of expert witnesses, plus a small library. Activities include institutes and pro grams for lawyers, law students, the general public, and special interest groups. Its members include attorneys, claims investigators, adjusters, insurance companies, trade associations, corporations, and groups of frequently targeted defendants such as doctors, pharmacists, engineers, and manufacturers.

The institute is organized into three divisions: the Arbitration Program, the Individual Research Service, and Transcripts of Economists' Testimony. DRI also has various committees including those with the following titles: admiralty law, Congressional Liaison, environmental law, Manufacturers' Corporate Counsel, Medical-Legal, product liability, Professional Liability, Property and Liability Insurance, and Workers' Compensation.

The institute publishes For the Defense (monthly), Brief Bank Index (annually), and a membership directory. It also maintains a data base of expert witnesses for defense litigation purposes.

further readings

Defense Research Institute. Available online at <> (accessed June 2, 2003).


Defendant; Defense.

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