Jobet Búrquez, Julio César (1912–1980)

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Jobet Búrquez, Julio César (1912–1980)

Born in the southern Chilean village of Perquenco in Cautín province on January 2, 1912, Julio César Jobet Búrquez studied at the local secondary school and then moved to Santiago to study history, geography, and civic education at the Instituto Pedagógico of the University of Chile. During his student days in Santiago, he became one of the founders of the Socialist Party, and later a contributor to several journals, including Travesía, Temuco, Occidente, and Revista del Partido Socialista Arauco.

His interests in social and political thought, set in historical context, are reflected in several important books: Santiago Arcos Arlegui y la Sociedad de la Igualdad (1942); Ensayo crítico del desarrollo económico-social de Chile (1951) Luis Emilio Recabarren: Los orígenes del movimiento obrero y del socialismo chileno (1955); Los precursores del pensamiento social de Chile, 2 vols. (1955–1956); El Partido Socialista de Chile, 2 vols. (1971); and Temas históricos chilenos (1973).

Jobet Búrquez's lifetime interest in the evolution of Chilean educational thought is reflected in his masterful Doctrina y praxis de los educadores representativos chilenos (1970), an extraordinary contribution that highlights the educational philosophy of such figures as Manuel de Salas, Andrés Bello, and Valentín Letelier. Although ill since 1973, after the military coup he devoted his last years to the rebuilding of the Socialist Party.

See alsoChile, Political Parties: Socialist Party; Education: Overview.


Poblete Guerrero, Victor. "La producción ensayística de Julio César Jobet." Occidente 279 (November 1978): 39-42.

Grez Toso, Sergio "Escribir la historia de los sectores populares." In Anaquel Astral, edited by Virginia Vidal. Santiago, Chile: Editorial Poetas Antiimperialistas de América, 2006. Also available from

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