Jauretche, Arturo M. (1901–1974)

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Jauretche, Arturo M. (1901–1974)

Arturo M. Jauretche (b. 13 November 1901; d. 25 May 1974), Argentine nationalist intellectual, born in Lincoln, in Buenos Aires Province. Along with Luis Dellepiane and Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz, Jauretche founded the Radical Orientation Force of Argentine Youth (FORJA) in 1935. The FORJA criticized the country's liberal order and especially its quasi-colonial relationship with Great Britain as part of a deep historical revisionism with political goals. Its members embraced a vitriolic anti-imperialism replete with epithets (e.g. vendepatria) that would become an integral part of Argentine political discourse over the next several decades. In its scorn for the oligarchy's cosmopolitan, antinational culture, its denunciations of the Roca-Runciman Pact, and criticisms of what it saw as U.S. pretensions to hegemony in Latin America, the FORJa helped contribute to the popular nationalism that would crystallize under Juan Domingo Perón. Jauretche was the most effective disseminator of the FORJA's ideas in books such as Libros y alpargatas: civilizados o bárbaros (1983) and El medio pelo en la sociedad argentina (1966).

The FORJA remained primarily an intellectual movement; expelled from the Radical Party, it never constituted an independent political force in its own right.

See alsoArgentina, Political Parties: Radical Party (UCR); Roca-Runciman Pact.


Norberto Galasso, Jauretche y su época (1985).

David Rock, Authoritarian Argentina: The Nationalist Movement, Its History and Its Impact (1993).

Additional Bibliography

Iturrieta, Aníbel, and Antonio Lago Carballo, eds. El pensamiento político argentino contemporáneo. Buenos Aires: Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, 1994.

                                        James P. Brennan