
views updated May 09 2018

um·bil·i·cal / ˌəmˈbilikəl/ • adj. relating to or affecting the navel or umbilical cord: the umbilical artery. ∎ fig. extremely close; inseparable: their umbilical attachment to the state. ∎  (of a pipe, cable, etc.) connecting someone or something to a source of essential supplies: our standard dive gear, with 300-foot umbilical hoses.• n. short for umbilical cord. DERIVATIVES: um·bil·i·cal·ly / -ik(ə)lē/ adv.


views updated Jun 11 2018

umbilical pert. to the navel. XVI. — medL. umbilīcālis, f. L. umbilīcus, f. base of UMBO; see -AL1.