
views updated May 14 2018

Tues·day / ˈt(y)oōzˌdā/ • n. the day of the week before Wednesday and following Monday: come to dinner on Tuesday the following Tuesday| [as adj.] Tuesday afternoons. • adv. on Tuesday: they're all leaving Tuesday. ∎  (Tuesdays) on Tuesdays; each Tuesday: she works late Tuesdays.


views updated Jun 11 2018

Tuesday the day of the week before Wednesday and following Monday. In Old English the form of the word was Tīwesdæg named after the Germanic god Tīw (associated with Mars); translation of Latin dies Marti ‘day of Mars’.


views updated Jun 11 2018

Tuesday OE. Tiwesdæġ = OHG. zīestag, ON. tý(r)sdagr; f. g. of Tīw ( = OHG. Zīo, ON. Týr), name of a Gmc. god identified with Mars:- Gmc. *Tīwaz, cogn. with L. deus.