
views updated May 29 2018

pu·rée / pyoŏˈrā; -ˈrē/ • n. a smooth, creamy substance made of liquidized or crushed fruit or vegetables: stir in the tomato purée.• v. (pu·rées, pu·réed, pu·rée·ing) [tr.] make a purée of (fruit or vegetables).


views updated May 17 2018

purée Fruit, vegetable, meat, or fish that has been pounded or sieved (usually after cooking) to give a smooth, finely divided pulp. Also a soup made by sieving vegetables with the liquor in which they were cooked.


views updated May 18 2018

purée soup made from vegetables, etc. pulped and passed through a sieve. XIX. — (O)F., f. purer purify, squeeze (fruits, etc.) to obtain the pulp.