
views updated Jun 27 2018


Arid lands are dry areas or deserts where a shortage of rainfall prevents permanent rain-fed agriculture. They are bordered by, and interact with, marginal or semi-arid lands where the annual rainfall (still only 1015 in; 2538 cm) allows limited agriculture and light grazing. However, in many parts of the world human mismanagement, driven by increasing populations, has degraded these areas into unusable arid lands. For example, clearing natural vegetation and overgrazing have led to soil erosion , reduced land productivity, and ultimately reduced water availability in the region. This degradation of semi-arid lands to deserts, which can also occur naturally, is known as desertification .


views updated May 18 2018

ar·id / ˈarid/ • adj. (of land or a climate) having little or no rain; too dry or barren to support vegetation. ∎ fig. lacking in interest, excitement, or meaning.DERIVATIVES: a·rid·i·ty / əˈriditē/·id·ly·id·ness n.


views updated May 18 2018

arid XVII. — F. aride or L. āridus, f. ārēre be dry or parched; see -ID1.
So aridity XVI.